
Any Puzzle Rush Tips?


I need help in puzzle rush got any tips?


What goes wrong?  Are you accurate but slow, or do you strike out?

If you strike out, you should revisit each puzzle you failed (click on the red symbol for that puzzle) and do it in standard puzzle mode, making sure to get it right if you possibly can.  This will help build up your repertoire of patterns, which is really what Puzzle Rush tests.

If you are slow, just keep at it and you are likely to speed up.


I am fast and get stuff wrong and then I try to be more accurate and then I get all of them correct to like 25 and then I have like 30 seconds left


I would suggest that you keep attempt to be slower and more accurate. The more you do similar puzzles the more familiar they will become and the quicker you will be at solving them. You might get a slightly higher high score by rushing and getting a bit lucky but it probably won't improve your skills to the same extent.


Thanks! That seems Like a good idea


try to speed through the ones ur really sure on but slow down on the others

i recommend first to go for accuracy on the harder ones, then build up speed


this is interesting and i suggest you look for checkmeates and then captures and lastly threats. This should help


Sep-Gol wrote:

this is interesting and i suggest you look for checkmeates and then captures and lastly threats. This should help


Wow. Before me was slightly bad at PR. But I think you should use mouse control skills and stuff and first see what places are weak, then find a move. If you aren't sure, go with your gut.

Sep-Gol wrote:
Sep-Gol wrote:

this is interesting and i suggest you look for checkmeates and then captures and lastly threats. This should help


Wow. Before me was slightly bad at PR. But I think you should use mouse control skills and stuff and first see what places are weak, then find a move. If you aren't sure, go with your gut.

So after like a year and a half we have another comment.


And uhh I figured out the best way to improve.... Practice


Lol. Who's score is higher? Mine. Who has more practice? Me. 


Sep-Gol wrote:

Lol. Who's score is higher? Mine. Who has more practice? Me. 


who has the better record against each other? who beat you in blitz 4 times in a row like two days ago? me. 


Who mouseslipped a kajillion times? Who has a 1900 USCF? Me

Sep-Gol wrote:

Who mouseslipped a kajillion times? Who has a 1900 USCF? Me



Bruh get good. Analyze your games, practice puzzles and apply what you learned in games, etc.

Get good

AyushMChessMator wrote:

Bruh get good. Analyze your games, practice puzzles and apply what you learned in games, etc.

Get good



And I thought I had a pretty good Puzzle Rush score until I walked in here...

TheBlunderPunisher wrote:

And I thought I had a pretty good Puzzle Rush score until I walked in here...

you got 30 in survival 


that is sightly bad grin.png

Sep-Gol wrote:

that is sightly bad

i got like 32 in 3 min lol