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Anyone want free game review? I seem to struggle against the Najdorf both over the board and online and I would really appreciate some comments here. I seem to struggle against the Najdorf both over the board and online and I would really appreciate some comments here.
I don't play 1. e4. I play 1. d4, which I believe to be stronger. However; this I know. 7. Nf3 more or less allows black equality. The move is 7. Nf5. This is a complex, tactical game and you will struggle unless you play the best moves and have the technique to back them up.
Next, you moved your c1 knight three times, only to take black's weak bishop on e7. You traded a stronger piece for a weaker one, only to gave black space to manoeuvre. Against the ...e5 lines of the Naj, white should be able to maintain an advantage by a combination of dynamic and positionally strong play. Kasparov always preferred the e6 lines of the Najdorf.
I feel like most of the time my early and mid games go really well, but endgame is my main problem I seem to struggle against the Najdorf both over the board and online and I would really appreciate some comments here.
I don't play 1. e4. I play 1. d4, which I believe to be stronger. However; this I know. 7. Nf3 more or less allows black equality. The move is 7. Nf5. This is a complex, tactical game and you will struggle unless you play the best moves and have the technique to back them up.
Next, you moved your c1 knight three times, only to take black's weak bishop on e7. You traded a stronger piece for a weaker one, only to gave black space to manoeuvre. Against the ...e5 lines of the Naj, white should be able to maintain an advantage by a combination of dynamic and positionally strong play. Kasparov always preferred the e6 lines of the Najdorf.
I'll look up the Kasparov e6 games, thanks for that!
Sorry, I am new to this website. So please let me know if this isn't how I am supposed to post. But can someone with more knowledge elaborate on why this is a blunder? How is the suggested move better in the long run?

Sorry, I am new to this website. So please let me know if this isn't how I am supposed to post. But can someone with more knowledge elaborate on why this is a blunder? How is the suggested move better in the long run?
Rook takes rook check threatens the queen, queen takes rook, then Nf6 check wins the queen, Nf6 check immediately loses a knight to Qxf6
Also never apologise for asking a question
I see. I still like the move I made. Is it objectively a better than the move I made? I appreciate your input! I feel like the move I made led to better trades and more opportunities for them to make mistakes.

You see its not a blunder but a missed opportunity what you wher meant to do was take the rook and the qween has to take and you faike the qween and king insted of rook and king so you won a rook insted of a qween

I see. I still like the move I made. Is it objectively a better than the move I made? I appreciate your input! I feel like the move I made led to better trades and more opportunities for them to make mistakes.
So sometimes this happens, you can make a move that is objectively bad, but because your opponent doesn't respond correctly, your position ends up being better than it would have been in any other line. Had your opponent captured your knight for free I think you're worse in that position. Maybe post a link to your game as from that screen shot I can't see what your opponent did and how you ended up in that position.

I see. I still like the move I made. Is it objectively a better than the move I made? I appreciate your input! I feel like the move I made led to better trades and more opportunities for them to make mistakes.
If you play your 1. Nf6+, your opponent just takes it, and you lost a piece for nothing.
If you play 1. Rxe8+ Qxe8 2. Nf6+, you win a queen.
Is it better to win a queen or to lose a knight? You decide.
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