
Arena tournament: Sandbagging?


I’ve noticed this a few times while playing arena, there’s players typically rated in low 100-900 who have relatively new accounts who often have either thrown games or resign to get to that rating. Is there a point to this sandbagging? Not sure if I quite understand why others are doing this?

It’s pretty weird that someone would take the time to do that.

    Well,yes Hotwings1,human beings are  the weirdest people that ever existed.

Heh! I just played a bullet arena tournament the other day where a player rated 436 or something won the tournament with 77 points. I was a little embarrassed when this player crushed me like a bug, but then I saw then final score! No, nothing fishy about that. .....
Hotwings1 wrote:

I’ve noticed this a few times while playing arena, there’s players typically rated in low 100-900 who have relatively new accounts who often have either thrown games or resign to get to that rating. Is there a point to this sandbagging? Not sure if I quite understand why others are doing this?

Ego feed.

Low self-esteem.


Take your pick.


I've lost to a 400 in a Blitz arena once.  I reported him, and his account was removed the next day.  This is against policy, and it's easy to deal with.

I’ve been watching lately and noticed it’s gotten better. I’ve seen a few banned accounts of obvious offenders. Maybe someone took notice?

 I knew a guy that was in a wheelchair and he played chess.