if I win for highest accuracy just give me ten random awards.
Beat me get an award!!!!!!!!!!!

took me a while but I got 99.4 accuracy

took me a while but I got 99.4 accuracy
Now we're tied

also the first game posted by a player ,will be the game counted. all other games posted by a player will not be counted. be since i did not specify this , it will only apply to games posted after this post.

[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2025-01-13"]
[White "loyal2Him"]
[Black "Martin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1079"]
[BlackElo "250"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "loyal2Him won by checkmate"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Nxe4 4. d3 Nd6 5. O-O c5 6. Nxe5 Ne4 7. Re1 Qb6 8.
Bxf7+ Kd8 9. Rxe4 Ke7 10. Qf3 Qf6 11. Nc6+ Kxf7 12. Nd8+ Kg8 13. Qxf6 gxf6 14.
Rg4+ Bg7 15. Bh6 Kf8 16. Bxg7+ Ke7 17. Bxh8 a5 18. Nxb7 Bxb7 19. Nc3 d6 20. Re1+
Kd8 21. Bxf6+ Kc7 22. Rg7+ Kb6 23. Na4+ Ka6 24. c4 Bd5 25. cxd5 Ra7 26. Rxa7+
Kxa7 27. Re7+ Ka6 28. Bc3 h6 29. Rc7 Nc6 30. Nxc5+ dxc5 31. Rxc6+ Ka7 32. Rxh6
Ka8 33. d6 Kb7 34. Bxa5 Kc8 35. Rh7 c4 36. d7+ Kb7 37. d8=Q+ Kc6 38. Qc7+ Kb5
39. Rh5+ Ka6 40. Qxc4+ Kb7 41. Qf7+ Ka6 42. Qe6+ Ka7 43. Rh7+ Kb8 44. Qg8# 1-0

[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2025-01-13"]
[White "loyal2Him"]
[Black "Martin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1079"]
[BlackElo "250"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "loyal2Him won by checkmate"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Bc4 Nxe4 4. d3 Nd6 5. O-O c5 6. Nxe5 Ne4 7. Re1 Qb6 8.
Bxf7+ Kd8 9. Rxe4 Ke7 10. Qf3 Qf6 11. Nc6+ Kxf7 12. Nd8+ Kg8 13. Qxf6 gxf6 14.
Rg4+ Bg7 15. Bh6 Kf8 16. Bxg7+ Ke7 17. Bxh8 a5 18. Nxb7 Bxb7 19. Nc3 d6 20. Re1+
Kd8 21. Bxf6+ Kc7 22. Rg7+ Kb6 23. Na4+ Ka6 24. c4 Bd5 25. cxd5 Ra7 26. Rxa7+
Kxa7 27. Re7+ Ka6 28. Bc3 h6 29. Rc7 Nc6 30. Nxc5+ dxc5 31. Rxc6+ Ka7 32. Rxh6
Ka8 33. d6 Kb7 34. Bxa5 Kc8 35. Rh7 c4 36. d7+ Kb7 37. d8=Q+ Kc6 38. Qc7+ Kb5
39. Rh5+ Ka6 40. Qxc4+ Kb7 41. Qf7+ Ka6 42. Qe6+ Ka7 43. Rh7+ Kb8 44. Qg8# 1-0
84.4. just a little low, but really close

Oh, you said that all won't count, sry, I read it wrong
That is for people who have sent a game in that beat mine. for people who do not have a membership to review there games ( like you) can post games until they get one that qualifies.