
Best endgame book/DVD/other resource for an experienced player?


Basically, I have been playing chess for ~15 years (sometimes on and off due to school, although "off" would often just mean less chess instead of completely off).

I play bullet and blitz, and thus, I have not been in positions where I have had to calculate (or had the time to calculate) endgames. Obviously bullet and blitz games sometimes just end in the middlegame and the endgame is either not played or is completely one-sided. 

The other day, I looked up some endgames with pawns and a few minor pieces, and I was surprised by how many examples I found where there was technique I had not seen before. It left me thinking 'I should know this' or 'this is useful.'

In my experience, I found that the best books are not 500-page manuals, but much shorter books which have high-quality and instructive examples. And DVDs and internet sources always beat books because you don't have to spend time setting up the position on the board or on ChessBase.


Have you tried Silman's Complete Endgame Course?

It's for all levels, in the order of difficulty, excellent for most club players.