
Beware of this user


Recently I had a bad experience playing against a user. It all started with one of those unrated games I usually play because of my stupid fear to lose rating points.

We had a similar ranking, and the game went more or less equal until he missed a tactic, which gave me an advantage of two pawns. Then he started to take more time to move. That did not change anything because I managed to get a K+3P vs K+P ending, so I was sure about the win.

That was the moment when he started complaining in the chat. He said I was a lucky player, that he had only had an oversight, that he could beat me blindfold, etc. I told him to take it easy and then he went crazy, insulting me in several ways you do not need to know, bypassing the filter. I decided to ignore the chat, he was simply flooding it with stupid sentences at that point. Let's not forget about the abuse of draw offers (luckily we do not need to click to refuse)

So he decided to move even slower. He took 2 minutes to move (in an easy, lost ending for him), trying to trick me into thinking that he had disconnected. Trying to win the dirty way. The game was 15 min +10s, so he kept on doing that for a certainly long time.

Well, in the end he lost, as expected. I played another game afterwards and he followed me, saying "cheater" and insulting in the chat. Luckily, I know when I see an idiot, and I also know how to ignore one. I recall his name was ArgoNavis. When I finished the game, I went to the privacy settings and decided to block that pathetic example of a loser before he decided to spam my notes, my threads or my messages.

This could seem like a useless thread but I hope it makes everybody understand that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and that those who bring shame to live chess by doing what that guy did are not welcome to this website.


Have you had a similar experience?


You have split personality.


Please tell me how to identify idiots in the sea of people. I am weak at how to identify them. very troublesome for person of my calibre.


Welcome to internet chess, and e-thuggery!

kaynight wrote:

Someone get a psychiatrist.

I'm glad to see you're finally reaching out for help, even if you're doing it in a random thread.


What did you expect from someone that proclaims that he is the King of Shedinja?  Now, if he was the King of Fonize, then I would be surprised.


in the college I always got attracted towards attractive girls and always made friends with unattractive boys.sound silly to me.


You don't need affirmation from forum members. You know that. Get it together man!

Just kidding. I found this topic entertaining.

However, not everyone is as cool as I am or has as good a sense of humor as I do, unfortunately. I say this for your own good -- even though it is yourself you have named and shamed, you are still in violation of the rule to not name and shame. If you really want to know the truth, in all honesty, this is one of those times when you should be disciplined for your own good, quite frankly because in the mind frame or mania you're obviously experiencing now, you don't realize the shameful attention you are bringing upon yourself. In times like these, a moderator who cares about you should discipline you for this misconduct, not in malice but in doing the right thing for you and the greater good. You will thank them later so don't get mad at them. You will learn and grow as a person from the experience. Best wishes. Just kidding man. Let the good times roll.

Thanks for the head's up. I'll keep my eyes out for that kingofshedninjas user and I'll make sure not to trust him if he tries to chat in an unrated game with you.


thank you for the warning.  I will avoid that evil **** in future.


If you have a problem with this player, report them. I think everyone knows that type of harassment is wrong. Some people just do it anyway. But I think personally identifying people you have a problem with in the forums is against the TOS. This post does seem pointless to me. You take one sentence to tell others not to behave this way. But you take two paragraphs to bash him publicly. So I think it's obvious what the "point" of your post was. People are rude, either tell them where they can shove it or ignore them, and then report the behavior to so they can hopefully end the toxic behavior or ban the user completely.


What are the reason for people getting offended to some word that doesn't have any meaning to their life.i guess that that people are not selfish and that also a part of human nature. It proves everybody someday become human being.


Um, excuse me, but you said his name was kingofshedinjas, and that's your username...

Please tell me you're trolling...

EDIT: (Sorry, I see why you made the thread now. Ignore this :D .)

kingofshedinjas wrote:

Recently I had a bad experience playing against a user. It all started with one of those unrated games I usually play because of my stupid fear to lose rating points.

We had a similar ranking, and the game went more or less equal until he missed a tactic, which gave me an advantage of two pawns. Then he started to take more time to move. That did not change anything because I managed to get a K+3P vs K+P ending, so I was sure about the win.

That was the moment when he started complaining in the chat. He said I was a lucky player, that he had only had an oversight, that he could beat me blindfold, etc. I told him to take it easy and then he went crazy, insulting me in several ways you do not need to know, bypassing the filter. I decided to ignore the chat, he was simply flooding it with stupid sentences at that point. Let's not forget about the abuse of draw offers (luckily we do not need to click to refuse)

So he decided to move even slower. He took 2 minutes to move (in an easy, lost ending for him), trying to trick me into thinking that he had disconnected. Trying to win the dirty way. The game was 15 min +10s, so he kept on doing that for a certainly long time.

Well, in the end he lost, as expected. I played another game afterwards and he followed me, saying "cheater" and insulting in the chat. Luckily, I know when I see an idiot, and I also know how to ignore one. I recall his name was kingofshedinjas. When I finished the game, I went to the privacy settings and decided to block that pathetic example of a loser before he decided to spam my notes, my threads or my messages.

This could seem like a useless thread but I hope it makes everybody understand that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable and that those who bring shame to live chess by doing what that guy did are not welcome to this website.

Submit a ticket here:

Diakonia wrote:

Welcome to internet chess, and e-thuggery!

There you have it trolks....  A mod finally speaks up on behalf of the management... 


Rob3rtJamesFischer wrote:

Dont be a sissy and play rated games, lol.

Rob3rtJamesFischer wrote: I suck at bullet and 1700 is a number I am ok with. I play unrated just to relax at the end of a hard chess study session, so I dont take it that seriously. (I wont risk going lower than 1700 unless I show good results against higher rated players on unrated lol) I think it has to do with how seriously people take it. If you play it rated competition will surely be more interesting in robbing your points, lol.


Meh.  That was a terrible story.  The concept it quite amusing but you delivered it horribly.

nimzomalaysian wrote:

You have split personality.

More like an entire identity

ChessOfPlayer wrote:
nimzomalaysian wrote:

You have split personality.

More like an entire identity

That's what the border guard said when my passport was ripped.

NotMeAgain2 wrote:
ChessOfPlayer wrote:
nimzomalaysian wrote:

You have split personality.

More like an entire identity

That's what the border guard said when my passport was ripped.

I feel like this thread has been sufficiently drawn out, so I can slightly derail it with my border guard story. When I was 16 or 17 I went on a mission trip to Mexico. We stayed in Texas and every day we'd walk across the border and take a hand-pulled ferry across the Rio Grande. On our last day in Mexico, we were walking back across the border. Of course you only have to show your passport and answer questions when going into the US. I was at the end of the line, with only my youth pastor behind me. And it got to the kid in front of me. They start asking him the usual questions, "are you bringing any food back with you?" "No." "Are you bringing any drinks back with you?" "No." Then he asks, "are you bringing any plants back with you?" And at this point, I thought it would be hilarious to pop my head into the kiosk and say, "does marijuana count?" Of course I've never so much as seen a joint in my life. And the two guards just look at each other, and then look at me. Then the one in front points behind me and says, "you see that car lift over there? That's where we can take a car, strip it down piece by piece, and then just leave it there. We can do that to people too." Well I just about [Edited for language - Mod.] and then they started laughing and told me to go on ahead. Lesson learned:  do not eff around with border guards.