
blindfolded chess.

often we see masters show of in blindfolfed chess against multiple opponents. there should be a tournament with multiple blindfolded simultaneous games only all grand masters vs each other as opposed to your average joe from a chess club. all versing each other in multiple games, blindfolded. monitor the brain activity. the mental strain would be insane i am imagening.

Amber blindfold tournaments had top GMs playing each other.

truebornchessstar wrote:
the mental strain would be insane i am imagining.

 About as much as a normal sighted game I imagine. The only big difference being you have to remember the position, and even many players below master level can do this. Master, of course, is nothing compared to GM, and entry level GM is nothing compared to top GM.


That's super impressive. I wonder how well they'd do at standard memory tests e.g. memorize a string of numbers or deck of playing cards.

One thing playing skill does help with, of course, is once you know enough patterns, you don't need to remember each individual piece to remember the position. A group of 5, or more, may by 1 item for example. (Just in case the OP wasn't aware of this.) So a GM playing 1 game blindfold isn't as much of a memory feat as non-players might imagine.