
Brilliant move but there's a better one??


So i was lurking around some of my games and i found this one that i played when i was a few days into chess. Apparently it has a brilliant moves, which appart from not making sense at all, it's not even the best move. Look.

It says the best move is Bxd5, but Ke8 is brilliant??


But i still don't get why it shows a better move even tho Ke1 is "brilliant"
I would get that at a lower depth that move could be brilliant and then at a higher depth the engine would find a better move but this i don't understand

Cosk69 wrote:

So i was lurking around some of my games and i found this one that i played when i was a few days into chess. Apparently it has a brilliant moves, which appart from not making sense at all, it's not even the best move. Look.

It says the best move is Bxd5, but Ke8 is brilliant??


The Game Review brilliant move is any move that sacrifices material and is good, excellent, or best; i.e. they don't have to be best. My guess is that since the rook is technically hanging, that counts as sacrificing material?



There is always better move than a brilliant one

