
Can you feel angriness through your opponent moves?

If you consider frustration, Yes. I play OTB seldomly but in some occassions I play with someone frustrated about their position and shows it by trying to make aggressive moves when you are in the losing end. They just want to make something out of their probably hopeless position. Other ways are knocking down pieces too much, striking their pieces hard or as Korchnoi did, snatch the clock

Sometimes when my opponent made a really stupid blunder like giving a full piece for free he "sacs" all his remaining pieces. 


do you get angry


I get triggered all the time when I play

kingpa1mon wrote:
I don't really feel anger towards an opponent, more just anger towards how crappy I am lol

Lollllllllllllll, i bet ur trash


I recently played someone who deliberately made bad moves all through the game until I mated him. It was obvious that they weren't mistakes. I don't know why he did it but I really didn't like it. If it happens again I'll probably just resign and start another game.


get even not angry


Something in the way she moves

Attracts me like no other patzer

Something in the way she pushes wood....