
cheating on online platforms

I am relatively new to this great game. My initial introduction to chess was so eventful that I did not touch it again for many years. I played online the other day but my opponent was cheating.
It affects my confidence, to say the least. What I can't comprehend is what they get out of cheating.
1- do they get better at chess? No
2- does their online ELO matter in life? No
3- does the inflated rating make them better over the board? No
I don't see the point of cheating and ruining the game.

I think many cheaters think and tell them selves that they will learn by cheating so that they can see what to play in different openings, etc. Very anoying.

1 They probably weren’t cheating, why do you immediately jump to that conclusion?

There is a website that shows how many cheaters you have met.. I usually meet around 5 per month... also, I get accused of cheating several times per day. It kind of ruins the game when people start to accuse me in the middle of the game.. I don't want to disable chat because there are kind people as well...


I think all we can do is trust the game and play as good as possible.


I can remember one game both played nice openings and so it went until about move twenty three when my opponent suddenly quit....?? I looked at the review and lo and behold we had played perfectly from the analysis . I quickly messaged my opponent effusive in my apologies that I had not cheated until I looked closer .... I had misread the results he was on 100% to my 99...whatever . Why that cheeetah wink - true story. If such can occur to me without cheating then when should I call out somebody else so that rock remains to this day unthrown.


People cheat in every game not just chess

A good tip to avoid cheaters is just abort games that are under a year old UNKESS it just looks like an alt but it's an actual play (for ex with a fida rating )

The easiest way to catch cheaters is level of play(not accuracy btw unless it is like 90+% 20 games in a row) and time used ex moves every 3-10 sec

But honestly maybe 10 percent or less cheat most days it will be around 2.5% but sometimes it san get worse so try not to worry about it let handle it report and move on don't try to call them out/report on forums


But don't assume your opponents are cheating just cause they play well (and don't get paranoid it ruins the game just as much as cheating does )

After all your opponents probably weren't cheating


This site is full of them I am sure of it. You play a 700-1000, you can't tell the difference with a 1400 or 1500, in fact 1400's are easier to beat. Now you will get some jerk come along and try and explain why that happens, like 700's are supposed to play like 1400's, someone always has an answer for it. If Lichess had more games I would play on there, I hate the chess players on here, if they ain't giving you snarky remarks in chat, you feel many are cheating.

7 It’s waaaay under 10%, especially at lower elo. Where are you getting that stat??
Brain wrote:
7 It’s waaaay under 10%, especially at lower elo. Where are you getting that stat??

I'm guessing it's prob less than ten percent more like 2.5%

I was just saying you might get that if your like super unlucky


Marks77 is a cheater


If someone has to cheat to beat me I'll take that as a compliment.


Bro really

Brain wrote:
1 They probably weren’t cheating, why do you immediately jump to that conclusion?

When a player plays twice his/her ELO without any mistake either the ELO system is failed to recognize the strength of the player or .....

Beside that its is not the main question, the question is why do people cheat in a game which has no positive or negative impact on them.

Sahay_Adi wrote:

I think all we can do is trust the game and play as good as possible.

I agree,

HangingPieces4theWin wrote:

There is a website that shows how many cheaters you have met.. I usually meet around 5 per month... also, I get accused of cheating several times per day. It kind of ruins the game when people start to accuse me in the middle of the game.. I don't want to disable chat because there are kind people as well...


The site closed 56,000+ accounts in April for fair play violations and has a full team of staff working on reports along with some automated systems for detection.

That said, discussions of cheating, potential cheating, or cheat detection are not allowed in the general forums. If you would like to discuss join the following club.

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