New Features, New Records, And... New Champions?

New Features, New Records, And... New Champions?

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May's monthly update is here and we're recapping the Candidates Tournament, hooking the world's number one player up to a lie detector, and highlighting some of the chess world's true artists.

Also, a much-requested dashboard for following events, new world records, and an unexpected 17-year-old contender for the world championship crown. It's been a big month.

Here's what this update covers: 

Product & Engineering

If you missed the old Chess24 interface when following events, you're in luck.

A view of the new Events dashboard, modelled after the Chess24 version.

  • The team has worked hard on a new dashboard for our Events page, making it easier to follow along with your favorite tournaments. 
  • Ever felt like chess bots should be more futuristic and terrifying? The new Chessdiver bots are here for you. Can you help the community reach 100% completion?
  • If you visit the Puzzles pages on a web browser, you'll see a new 'stats' button on the menu to the right. Check out your puzzle stats and previously solved puzzles there!
  • In April, our puzzle database grew by 3,835, going from 839,749 to 843,584. 🧩

If you are in tech and would like to join our team, we're hiring!


The Candidates Tournament is over, and we have a new contender for the crown.

GM Gukesh Dommaraju with text explaining that he is the winner of the 2024 Candidates Tournament.


The chess community keeps on doing amazing things.

Nigerian chess player Tunde Onakoya breaking the Guinness world record for longest chess marathon in New York.


From April Fool's jokes to world champion-level secrets... the truth is revealed.


April featured some high-level courses aimed at intermediate to expert players.

GM Peter Leko and the title of his new Ruy Lopez course on Chessable.


GM Yagiz Erdogmus recently became the world's youngest current grandmaster, but there are plenty of other young stars making a name for themselves.

Fair Play

Last month's Fair Play highlight was the team's report on cheating in Titled Tuesday events. The TL;DR version? Research indicates that upset rates in Titled Tuesday games and over-the-board blitz games are very similar. This is the first of several reports, and upcoming editions will go into more detail on specific issues and questions relating to Fair Play.'s Fair Play stats for April 2024.

Fair Play stats for April:

  • 313,806 reports created
  • 56,853 Fair Play closures (including 13 titled players: 2 NMs, 3 FMs, 1 GM, 5 CMs, 1 IM, 1 WIM)
  • 62.1K mute actions
  • 54.2K accounts muted
  • 149.5K abuse closures
  • 22,358,347 rating points refunded


The Support Team has switched to a new rating system to get a more accurate impression of how satisfied users are with the help they receive. 

  • Average Time to First Response: 1 day, 20 hours
  • Total Requests Received: 66,068
  • Average Quality by Member Rating: 86.4%
  • Total Ratings: 2,750

Thank you for being part of the world's largest chess community. Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!

Missed an update? You'll find last month's edition here.

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