
Chess on a hexagonal board (Hex chess)


Hello everybody!

I'm new here because I've been recently re-converted to chess, beign a wargame fan prior to that.(I played chess only on occasion)

My second discovery of chess happened when I found a version of chess on a hex board, made into a nifty computer game. Here's a screenshot.

This hexagonal version of chess in fantastic! I don't know if it is considered more difficult than the square chess, but I somehow find the classic squares rather boring.

I can only imagine what variations can be made with introduction of alternative chess pieces from Grand Chess or Fairy Chess!

What is your opinion on hex board?


Looks interesting.  How does it affect how pieces move?  Do pawns capture in two directions?  Can knights move diagonally?


It's not chess at all -- it has as much to do with chess as football does with the high jump.  You might as well have posted about some foreign card game whose game play involves bouncy balls and funny hats.

At least that's how a chessplayer will see "hexchess" and any other variation of chess -- and this is how I see it as well.

For other not so serious players this might be a fun alternative.

tderifield wrote:

Looks interesting.  How does it affect how pieces move?  Do pawns capture in two directions?  Can knights move diagonally?

In this version knights move three hexes straight and one to the side. Pawns move straight and capture diagonally - just as in classic chess.


Whatever name it is given...the rules will be radically will the knight move? Is there still castling?(look at the rook positions), then there are more pieces than conventional it may be an interesting game to play...


That's an interesting variant, I'd like to give that a try. Brings up a whole bunch of different questions as to how the pieces will move, though . . .


This particular computer game doesn't allow to alter existing rules.


Here's a link do download a game (it's very small, about 10 megs). The only problem is that it's in Russian, but the words are only in the menu which is very simple. Chess is selected in the top right corner of the screen (other games are checkers 1, checkers 2 and backgammon). F4 is the exit. When you select chess, the game offers several initial setups of pieces. Just click on the picture.

Here's the menu translation.





orangehonda wrote:

It's not chess at all -- it has as much to do with chess as football does with the high jump.  You might as well have posted about some foreign card game whose game play involves bouncy balls and funny hats.

At least that's how a chessplayer will see "hexchess" and any other variation of chess -- and this is how I see it as well.

For other not so serious players this might be a fun alternative.

not a very convincing argument


Hello there, I just found this post from almost 15 years ago, and since I was very clueless about what game were you talking about, I did a little search and found the game, downloaded it, played it, and got beaten in it. It was magical.

The game OP is talking about can be found on this site (if you check it also has OP's comment on it): http:// /node/101960/
(edit it to get the link together, the site doesn't allow unknow links I guess)
The site is in Russian, so you'll probably need a translator. As far as I know, there is also an English version of the game. There's also gameplay I found on Youtube:

And if for any reason these links do not work and you need to do research on your own in the future, the game can be found by the name: "Гексодром. Игры на поле гекс".
And remember, Hexagons are the Bestagons.