
Chess ratings


Why everyone is so paranoid about ratings?

Yeah, they give you an idea of how good a players is, but is there any other "use" for ratings. I don't think they really matter. I don't have a high chess rating so I must not be smart...or my IQ must be low as well. That's another one IQ's, Dr. Jarvik scored so low in intelligence and admissions tests that would not even be admitted to any medical schools in the U.S. so he had to study in Italy well he invented the first workable artificial heart as some of you might know and as Dr. Jarvik there are many.

Come on people play and enjoy this great site don't worry if someone is cheating... they are only cheating themselves.

Well said chessmate !!

Rating on internet chess isn't all that meaningfull. Specially since anyone can put a computer to play for themselves or advice a move. (poor souls). As you say those who do are only cheating themselves. Besides, to be honest... it must be awfully boring.

I guess the main problem is that chess has no luck involved on it(good or bad whatsoever); so people who love themselves too much can't take a defeat properly... nor win without bragging.

bytheway... I've read somewhere IQ doesn't have much to do with chess skills. It's more about the time and effort you've put on the practice and study of the game; In fact IQ has little to do with success in most aspects of life. (unless you're a genius or extremely dumb).

Omicron wrote:

bytheway... I've read somewhere IQ doesn't have much to do with chess skills. It's more about the time and effort you've put on the practice and study of the game; In fact IQ has little to do with success in most aspects of life. (unless you're a genius or extremely dumb).

 I agree. I don't think there is a rating that can give a accurate measurement of how intelligent someone is.

 I'm not expert whatsoever, so if there anyone out-there please share your knowledge!

The rating is great, but not as something to brag about. It's a good way of setting a target for improvement. Realistically you know yourself how good you are at any point, but the minute variations in your skill can be judged by opponents you beat. I like to look at who my opponent has beaten previously to judge to some extent how good they are really (ie if they got that 1800 rating by playing a few 1900 players or by beating lots of 1300 players). It's just a good comparison tool, and a good way of working out how well you did in a game.

The rating here is very useful for one thing, picking other players to play!


Other than that, who cares anyway?


i Have an IQ of 145......

Negoba wrote:

The rating here is very useful for one thing, picking other players to play!


Other than that, who cares anyway?

 lol, true!