
Current state of and other websites

TheGarlicMonster wrote:
llama36 wrote:
TheGarlicMonster wrote:

This could just be a marketing ploy. How can we know for certain where these numbers come from? And how do we know they are active users? We need to dig deeper to get the truth than just feed off numbers mentioned in an article.

In any case, crashing your own servers as a "marketing ploy" is as bad an idea as your trolling attempts.



That link? That's just a year trend from Google on Chess and shows that in general that it was growing slowly in popularity, with a bump in the Summer, and a much bigger jump at the end of the year.

josephgriffis wrote: could solve a lot of the site issues by using amazon web services and getting virtual servers.  with aws you only pay for what you use.  when the site is very busy virtual servers  can be turned on and when there is less traffic they could turn the servers off and they would not pay for the time the servers are off.  also it would help to use load balancers 

If you visit the Jobs section in this site, you will find that they use state of the art techs currently available for Software Engineering, including AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, Kafka, etc.

654Psyfox wrote: is pay to win.

How. You play chess. Sure stuff is behind a paywall buuuuut you do not need to pay to win just play and get better. Read chess books do some lessons in other sites and come back later. It is THAT simple. You do not need to pay to play there is Ali and other players. For free. You can watch other people play chess. Free lesson every week. Daily puzzles. Plus clubs and stuff. So no, is not pay to win or pay to play.