
Don't be THAT guy at the chess tournament


Estragon wrote, "No tears from me, the only reason it was ever approved in the first place is because FIDE and national chess officials can be bought cheap."

FIDE doesn't allow MonRoi. To the best of my knowledge, it's only allowed in the US. And there are ppl who claim it can be hacked.


There's a Dr Latino in Stillwater Oklahoma who built a board which records moves and "hits" your clock for you (he built this long before DGT boards).  The game is saved, but if he hooks his laptop up it saves the game to his laptop where he can print it out right there.  He brings this to some OTB tournaments (not the laptop).  Although if the technology scares the opponent he'll play on a regular board.

Anyway I wonder if this is what Ozzie meant?  Eventually I imagine it would be cheap enough to have a board that does it all for you, and at the end would spit out a score sheet the players could sign and turn in.  No fear of computer assistance because there is no screen.  Just some buttons on the side for new game, reset, and such.


FIDE allows the Mon Roi, unless they back-stepped.

SmyslovFan wrote:

there are ppl who claim it can be hacked.

Of course Monroi can be hacked. Even better, you could just completely remove the insides of the Monroi and replace it with something else.


Don't be that guy who eats a grilled cheese sandwich during the game and asks his opponent if he would like a bite.


don't be that guy that shows up at a tournament and discovers there is a tournament in progress and walks home.
only problem is that the person that walked home had joined the tournament the day before.


Don't be that guy that watches hardcore porn on your phone during the game.


Don't be that guy who beats me in 15 moves.


Don't be that guy who says "check" out loud.


Don't be that guy that says chess engourages gambling and is a waste of time.


Don't be that guy who asks his opponent for a pen.


Don't be that guy that wears his fursuit to the game and insists the touch-move rule doesn't apply to his suit's paws.


If that has ever occured in real life, wat


I would totally do it.

I only say "don't be that guy" because I've already called dibs.


chessmaster102 wrote:

Dont be that hot girl who slumps on top of the table showing your totos

Dont be that guy who Breathes heavily in a impatient manner just cause your opponent is actually using his time to THINK.

Dont be that guy who slams pieces on the clock just to press the button.


An issue I have with 3 move repetition claims is they only take the person making the claims scoresheet into account (according to the TD ruling on a claim made by my opponent). The claim turned out to be bogus, but what's to stop a player in a lost position from just writing out a few imaginary repetitions onto his scoresheet and then making a claim?


what a great idea! the next time i'm losing i will simply write down fake moves and claim draw by repetition!


I once played a guy who would adjust knights anytime I moved them. The funny thing is he needed them to face directly forward, so the nose was pointed directly at me (his knights) and him (my knights). That was one awkward game. I can only imagine he doesn't play online where all the knights are sideways lol.