
gift me premium


yo can anyone gift me premium?

if someone actually did that id be very cool 


So much cyberbegging going on. Someone gifted one person, and now every leech on the site is oozing out.


i just want more than 1 game review


You can literally just download all your games and have them analyzed with your favorite chess engine.

Or review your games with the eval bar on. That also tells you the important things.

For example I havent evaluated this game yet:

The evalbar tells me that the weak move 5. a3 by white equalizes the position, though the premature 5. ... h6 gives a bit back again.

Whites move 12. b4 is (unsurprisingly) rather questionable, now black has half a pawn advantage.

The move 14. Be3 is also questionable, the advantage of black is already almost a pawn. Again black gives it immediately back with a premauture 14. ... Bh7.

The real error of white is 17. bxa5, after which black has almost two pawns advantage.

This raises to three pawns advantage for black after 20. Nb3, which black with too poor and passive play unfortunately gives back again.

Then white abandoned the game, instead of making a move 25. I'm not sure why. The eval towards the end is still almost 2 pawns for black again.

I can see all that from nothing but just the eval bar.

MariasWhiteKnight wrote:

You can literally just download all your games and have them analyzed with your favorite chess engine.

That would be good, yes.

But these guys don't want to analyze games. What they want is that dumb "Game review" to tell them how brilliant they are.


thx knight


also magipi i didnt know that you could do that,if i knew i wouldnt even have made this post.




hello human


How can someone gift a premium???!!! Is it even possible?


yes it is


can someone gift me diamond membership, I can easily afford it, but I don't like spending my own money .......double yo


#10 only on the browser version. There's a gift membership option whenever you click on someone's account