
How do two people play against each other on the same computer?


Hi, on the android app I can choose 'play computer' and change the computer to a human, then two people can play chess using the phone as a chessboard. But on the web interface you cannot change the computer to a human.  So how do I play a game against another human using as a chessboard?


Any help will be appreciated.



on the computer thing there's these two squares which u can tap to change if u want to be white or black. u can also tap it so that u can have human players instead. just make sure that both squares are the same. it should have a person's outline profile on the square.


actually that was for the app. sorry about that I didn't read your comment all the way. I don't know either. it could be similar in a way


 I can see how to do this on the android app, but not in the web browser.  See the image below - I cannot see where to change colour or computer to a human.  I'm obviously missing something.




Ok I see how to change from black to white using the settings icon, but still not how to change to a human player.  It may be under a completely other option not under Play Computer.  Here is another related question which could be used for two player to play each other - how coud I replay a game, move by move, from my notation from a previous real-life game?


try the icon that switches the board. I don't really know. the desktop version on my phone isn't working for me so I can't do much on that. I think you'll just have to stick with the app for a board


you'll have to use a different site for that or ask someone to play it with you. then the app or website will "save" what u did in the game


Go to Learn, then Analysis. After making your first move, the engine will come up. You can then hide the engine by hovering over where it says the opening and clicking on the "X" that comes up on the right-hand side. Then you can just make moves as normal.


Thanks Firethorn that's exactly what I needed.