
How to checkmate in this position?


You can check my daily games, none of these have this position so I'm not cheating. I was playing a game against my dad and this is what we got ourselves into. I was wondering how black can win. White to move.


such endgames just drawn, unless it is a really bad case of passiveness

Black can wind only if white blunders into a fork. There is no forced win.

Really hard IMO but perhaps someone very good player can win as long as is careful with Knight fork. With some luck draw could be possible if you manage to exchance yours queen to opponent's queen.


It's a draw. All black has to do is trade queens, which is not the hardest thing ever to do.

V-MKI wrote:

Really hard IMO but perhaps someone very good player can win as long as is careful with Knight fork. With some luck draw could be possible if you manage to exchance yours queen to opponent's queen.

Luck isn't necessary with good player, if white is not in a trance, it is a draw


Truely impossible




ok then, I'll try to get my dad to fork his queen


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Objectively a draw, but Black has several tricks to try.

Actually this is tougher to defend than Q+B vs Q endgame.

So -go on, you have 50 moves to either achieve a mating net, or fork the opponent's Queen. You have nothing to lose. There is no methodology to adopt, just try being inventive and calculate well.

jackityjackjack wrote:

It's a draw. All black has to do is trade queens, which is not the hardest thing ever to do.

It's much harder than you think, actually.

Mazetoskylo wrote:
jackityjackjack wrote:

It's a draw. All black has to do is trade queens, which is not the hardest thing ever to do.

It's much harder than you think, actually.

yes, cause black can evade tricks that white will use, I'm playing black btw