
How to improve fast


I there, I am a moderately strong chess player. I only recently come to realise the competitve nature of the game few years ago. I have hit a rating period where not much changed happend after I improved rapidly in 2012. My concern is I tend to lose the middle and end games, and i have choosen a couple opeinings to use in my games. E.g Vienna, Scillian, Queens Gambit, Queens Gambit Declined, How do I become a stronger chess player able to beat FIDE 2000 plus players over about a year period... Shouldi do heaps of tatics and check mate puzzles, or should i study books.. I have no idea what is the fastest way to improve and become a stronger player. 


Endgame and Tactics


From ~1300 to 2000 in a year (plus you have some experience already) is very fast, so you're asking the right question.  Unfortunately it's also very hard.

I'd guess the minimum would be to get a coach, work 4 hours a day on chess, and go to a few tournaments a month.


The more detailed, organized, varied and self oriented your study the better.


I started last November in and now almost 2000 online rating. I got to this rating because I read lots of books. I concentrated on tactics study and annotated games study. If you have time to spend studying, your rating would increase too.

yeres30 wrote:

You have to specialize in the opening  (play only 1.e4 or 1.d4 but not both) and not be a general practicioner (playing both 1.e4 and 1.d4).

By specializing in only one and only one opening you gain experience with that opening.  And it is your experience in that opening that will serve you well against higher rated opponents.

That's a very good point. I used to play mixed openings. This last few months I open exclusively with e4 and defend with Sicilian and KID only. As a result, my ratings rise.

j1ng1ez wrote:

I there, I am a moderately strong chess player. How do I become a stronger chess player able to beat FIDE 2000 plus players over about a year period.

You've got a long,long way to go before you belong at the same table as a 2000 Fide Player he or she outclasses you and is more experinced.

Take lessons, work on your fundamentals and skills, pay your dues (play alot) and put your time to earn the rating it's not a horse race.


Thanks everyone for the comments, i was just wondering should i spend time on the opening or work on my tatics etc? and what training do you guys do? 


Tactics deserve more time and attention than any aspects of chess. Tactics and mistakes decides the game's winner and loser. Online tactics are not the best IMO. I am working on Great Book of Chess Combinations and Encyclopedia of Chess Combinations. If those seems too advance for you, read Tune your Chess Tactics Antenna.

j1ng1ez wrote:

Thanks everyone for the comments, i was just wondering should i spend time on the opening or work on my tatics etc? and what training do you guys do? 

To improve to FIDE 2000 you'll have to work on everything.  Tactics would be one of the most important.  Openings would be one of the least important (other than sticking with the same lines over that year).


As cheap and fun training I follow chess youtube channels of in particular chessexplained and kingscrusher. They tell their ideas while they play live games. Though if you're really serious I'd get a coach. And review all your serious games and ponder about the reasons why moves worked or why not.

TeraHammer wrote:

As cheap and fun training I follow chess youtube channels of in particular chessexplained and kingscrusher. They tell their ideas while they play live games. Though if you're really serious I'd get a coach. And review all your serious games and ponder about the reasons why moves worked or why not.

I did that for about 2 moths and found massive improvements, I have now hit a rating slump, and I have a desrie to imrpove and beocme stronger, a year seems to short to get to my overall goal of FIDE 2000, but that is my long term goal for chess. Is the chess mentor program good tool atm? I will get a coach just got to get some money :D


Play constantly. I play mostly correspondence, but in reality you still only spend a few minutes a turn on each move. I find it really useful clicking on the Computer Analysis after I've finished a game, regardless of the result. It let's you see where you went wrong, your opponents mistakes, and it suggests the correct lines. All very useful. Good luck with your goals too. Focus on improving 100 rating points at a time. There's a big gap between 1500 and 1600.


ok, i'm gonna talk about my experience.

I do tactics all days for 30 minutes aprox. First you need do it slow i remember that in the beginning i waste 20 minutes per problem!! (including easy ones) now no more than 8 minutes (hard problems) because i can recognize more patterns right now, and remember the pattern of excercize(like folk,x-ray,checkmate, etc).

In the Opening stage don't focus in all variations, just study the main lines or the lines you like and the most important ¡¡you need to know why you do this moves!! play doing plans of games, for example again the sicilian i always play with the english attack idea (pawn storm in the kingside).

Do tactics.

Is very important study all your games (including winning) and say yourself ¿why i win? or ¿why i lose?, if the problems was tactic ¿is a common tactic in this opening?

Do more tactic.

for the endgame I study "100 endgames you most know" and improve a lot.

Finally, isn't necesarry play a lot but always try the best!. Of course go tournament because help a lot.

result for me: I hit 1800 from 1500 OTB rating in 8 months, probably isn't wonderful but can't i say is bad.


oh... and sorry for my bad english.


In order to improve your game, you must study the endgame before everything else. For whereas the endings can be studied and mastered by themselves, the middle game and end game must be studied in relation to the end game.  -  Jose Capablanca


cheering, :) yes i will go work on my middle and end game, and choose one opeining for each colour, black is slighlty harder has you need to play against common e4, d4, and C4

j1ng1ez wrote:

cheering, :) yes i will go work on my middle and end game, and choose one opeining for each colour, black is slighlty harder has you need to play against common e4, d4, and C4

against 1.d4 and 1.c4 play the KID. Against 1.e4 play 1.c5 Najdorf. You'll enjoy chess so much. Peace Cool


cheers everyone for the comments, :D


On my real over the board games lets say i gotten i guess you can say at this chess club i beaten a player thats 1800 i managed to figure out his openings very quickly. Lets say within a years time without any hardcore studying i was alright until i actually commited to study my games a lil bit more now for The 4 to 6 months that im studying ive seen some improvements in my own games so my study repetoire was studying the major openings and endgame tactics