
How to reach 2000 ELO ?


I am not ambicious to become a master in chess. My only goal is to reach 2000 rating and be good at chess, because I really love it. So guys can you give me some suggestions how to make proggres ?And what is average time in your opinion to reach that goal if I start to study chess seriously ? Thanks !


Step 1: Stop caring about your rating.


Whenever I read "... if I start to study chess seriously", I know that they'll never gonna make it.

Why? If they were serious, they had already started.

Tatzelwurm wrote:

Whenever I read "... if I start to study chess seriously", I know that they'll never gonna make it.

Why? If they were serious, they had already started.

I started studying allready :=)


Some of the best players made it in about 2 years.

Most people are never rated that high.

My favorite quote from Heisman goes something like this: "Don't worry about your rating. Focus on learning, and your rating will take care of itself."


Yeah, I mean I wouldn't care about my rating but I absolutely need to get it over 1800 ( for junior training purposes).


I need that rating to be in top youth rating list.


Look at several GM games.


Do you think Carlsen ever worried about his rating?


As usual, it depends who you are comparing to.


There are several forum topics on this. I am sure you can research.

WhoIsHe17 wrote:
CrimeZone wrote:

I am not ambicious to become a master in chess. My only goal is to reach 2000 rating and be good at chess, because I really love it. So guys can you give me some suggestions how to make proggres ?And what is average time in your opinion to reach that goal if I start to study chess seriously ? Thanks !

2000 rating would be the expert level, not just good.  A FIDE 1400 player is pretty damn "good" at chess compared to the avg street person. Only 62,000 people in the world are above the 2000 level, 1 in 110,000 people, so I would call that a couple notches above "good"

Whoa, really? Not more?


If you really want to get to 2000 elo you must be proficient in tactics, if you are weak in tactics any other areas you study in chess won't profit you. Get a good book on tactics ( 1001 winning chess sacrifices and combinations by Fred Reinfeld; this is one the best tactical book ever) and go through five times. Work on your endgame ( Silman Endgame Book : Excellent book on the endgame) and have strong foundation it really become a strong player. If are proficient in the tactics and the endgame everything you study in chess will become easier and progress quickly. I reach otb 2000 in three years, look at my tactical trainer I am at mid-2100 and probably going to 2200 in two months, I work hard on my tactics and endgame; it has save me a lot lost games. I do tactics training everyday and my goals is to become master.


My favorite quote from Heisman goes something like this: "Don't worry about your rating. Focus on learning, and your rating will take care of itself."  




  That is stupidest quote, you better worry about rating only losers don't care about rating. I bet Dan cares about rating when he is playing against a player rated 1600 uscf and lose. Every strong player who reach a high level set a goal; players who want to become an expert they set their sight on 2000 uscf or if master 2200 uscf. So rating matters a lot.


Actually I agree with Dan. If you like chess, play it for the fun of the game and the joy of improvement. If your focus is to improve your rating, you will either not improve because you will get frustrated or distracted, or you will feel hollow even if you reach your goal.


If it's true you need to focus on your rating, then how did people improve before there were chess ratings? How do people improve in all areas of life without some silly number attached to their level?

jamelee88 wrote:

Wow crime zone you said if you "start" to study seriously, as if you never have before. Well how did you get to 1600 without serious study ? Tips please !

Yes I am 1600 and I think I am underrated still. I believe if I am 1600 without any studying, then maybe just maybe I have some gift for chess. I truelly believe I can reach 2000 sooner or later.

kleelof wrote:

Do you think Carlsen ever worried about his rating?

Yes, I do.  But he had the natural talent, uncompromising drive and support needed to race through the ranks.  Ratings are the yardstick that players are measured by so I'm pretty sure the most ambitious players do worry about it.  Carlsen might not worry so much now but it's easier to not care when you're well above even your best competitor.  

That said, I agree with everyone else.  Just focus on getting better.  You're not Carlsen so worrying greatly about your rating could actually be demoralizing because it likely won't rise as quickly as you want.  Enjoy the game and enjoy the journey.

