
How to read an opening book?


I was reading MCO and decided to learn the lines of a new opening, but I couldn't understand any lines of it because, well, I do not know how to read an opening book. It must be easy, but I think I must just be a bit special. How do I read an opening book?


Take a board with you and play out the variations. Try to understand the explanation given and the ideas. Then open a database and watch master games.


I do that, I'm talking about how to read the book. There's so many numbers on the grid and I can't tell if the rows or the columns are the line or move number. It kinda makes my brain hurt


I don't know what to put into a database cry


Watch a tutorial on how to read an opening book.

Charizard_637 wrote:

I do that, I'm talking about how to read the book. There's so many numbers on the grid and I can't tell if the rows or the columns are the line or move number. It kinda makes my brain hurt

In the app, click on the More menu, and find the Vision option. It's a bunch of questions to test and enhance your familiarity with the chessboard coordinates. Once you get to be ok with the coordinates you can progress to using them for moves. It's pretty helpful.


I am very special y'all.

I used my little brain to figure out what were the line numbers and what were the move numbers. I can read MCO now!!!


Don’t just memorize moves. Try to understand the underlying plans and ideas. For example, why does a particular move help control the center or why is a certain piece development preferred?