
I am starting to hate chess


I just recently started playing on in september and in a short few months time i reached the elo of 1200 in the start of december.Idk if thats good or not.I loved playing chess but ever since i got to a 1000 elo i sometimes lose like 8-9 games in a row.I get super mad and rage quit.In other cases i dont quit and stay up super late grinding back my points.If I dont do this I cant fall asleep because i feel dumb.I got enugh of that and deleted the app.I just got so mad about this game.I just downloaded it back but i just dont want to play rated games cause that will just piss me off?What should I do?Play unrated or just stop playing online and only play in my chessclub?

Play puzzles
I had the exact same problem, but I think I learned with experience how to fix it. You can only play on good sleep if you want. DO NOT stay up late playing; that almost destroyed chess for me. If you lose, analyze the game. Resign if you have to and move on. Chess is only rewarding when it is played right. Playing is not represented by accuracy but by improvement. If you feel nervous to play blitz or rapid, play bullet. If you lose, remind yourself that bullet is hardly real chess.

You know rating is not a measure of intelligence, it is a rating of results and nothing else. Set yourself a stop point, today no more than x number of games regardless of results. Go do something else afterward. If you trigger yourself for a blunder stop playing. Each turn should be what is the best move for this position? Nothing more nothing less. Think of it as navigating a maze as that is all any of us are doing. I have been where you are and 1200 is a good rating, it is the begining of intermediate and over 90% of profiles on this site are sub 1200. Some games your brain just performs sub optimally for plans, tactics and blunders loads. It is going to happen until you train it better at blunder checking and not being on auto pilot.


Play the bots. That way you can challenge yourself at different levels and not have the pressure of losing rating if you don't win.


GM_LightningStorm I dont have the paid version so I cant really analyze and the real problem is that I have school so i really only have time in the afternoon or night.But Ill try to find time and thank you for helping


Your rating is just a measure of what you've learned. If you attach it to your ego then you're going to suffer.


I am starting to hate threads about people who are starting to hate chess.


It's not hate. It's frustration of losing games and rating points.


you should stop seeing chess as a AAA video game, where game companies feed you and you keep consuming content and progressing linearly

chess is different, you may have some lucky matches, you meet some new guys and can go up quickly in a day.. but that is not your rating.

rating is a gap between two numbers, that you usually go up and down. sometimes gaps might be too large on low rating and it may be more precise/narrow on higher ratings.

rage quit implies a big disappointment, but think how long have you been putting effort into this? there is no big fall for you yet, let alone disappointments.. what was your expectations.. think about it.


Yes I am currently also in a losing streak!! At these times stay positive and don't be afraid to take a break from chess from time to time .

Airrick5468 a écrit :

I just recently started playing on in september and in a short few months time i reached the elo of 1200 in the start of december.Idk if thats good or not.I loved playing chess but ever since i got to a 1000 elo i sometimes lose like 8-9 games in a row.I get super mad and rage quit.In other cases i dont quit and stay up super late grinding back my points.If I dont do this I cant fall asleep because i feel dumb.I got enugh of that and deleted the app.I just got so mad about this game.I just downloaded it back but i just dont want to play rated games cause that will just piss me off?What should I do?Play unrated or just stop playing online and only play in my chessclub?

Honestly this happened to me several times...

I think you should have a break...

Airrick5468 wrote:

I just recently started playing on in september and in a short few months time i reached the elo of 1200 in the start of december.Idk if thats good or not.I loved playing chess but ever since i got to a 1000 elo i sometimes lose like 8-9 games in a row.I get super mad and rage quit.In other cases i dont quit and stay up super late grinding back my points.If I dont do this I cant fall asleep because i feel dumb.I got enugh of that and deleted the app.I just got so mad about this game.I just downloaded it back but i just dont want to play rated games cause that will just piss me off?What should I do?Play unrated or just stop playing online and only play in my chessclub?

You could make the switch to Tic Tac Toe. Probably lose FAR less often!

ThrillerFan a écrit :
Airrick5468 wrote:

I just recently started playing on in september and in a short few months time i reached the elo of 1200 in the start of december.Idk if thats good or not.I loved playing chess but ever since i got to a 1000 elo i sometimes lose like 8-9 games in a row.I get super mad and rage quit.In other cases i dont quit and stay up super late grinding back my points.If I dont do this I cant fall asleep because i feel dumb.I got enugh of that and deleted the app.I just got so mad about this game.I just downloaded it back but i just dont want to play rated games cause that will just piss me off?What should I do?Play unrated or just stop playing online and only play in my chessclub?

You could make the switch to Tic Tac Toe. Probably lose FAR less often!

Haha, but it's a forced draw!

Only way to get over it is to get better and actually win

It's easy to say, hard to do.


All the things that are fun in this world have the potential to be hated.


quit then if u hate it so much

Sack_o_Potatoes a écrit :

quit then if u hate it so much

There is something known as resilience and perseverance...


Sometimes it's not about the destination, it's about the journey that got you there