
I blundered into a winning attack.




and the best kind of blunders.  I make simple blunders and I don't even know -- those are terrible.


I struggled with uploading game and comments, I just managed happy.png


After 17 Bf5 pinning , it hurted only a bit, but felt it wasnt that bad, because I had the initiative and got tons of compensation, f.eks the monsterknight, high central pawns, and another thing I realized later was that my white bishop got more poisonous than a rook, slicing into his cake. When Magne realized that his exchangewinning ended up in deep trouble it was a very hard mental blow, going from feeling in the lead to way below. This blow took the edge out of him, and he got tired and played below his normal strenght after that. 




I've done that myself: played a move that completely overlooked my opponent's reply, gotten into what looked like a real mess... and then discovered that my "blunder" was actually a cunning trap and it was really my opponent who was in trouble.

Here's my best example:



Blue Emu, I like your game. I think that what makes both intended and unintended sacrifices work is lead in development and good lines and diagonals. In my game Magne spent to much time pushing a and b pawn early and lost initiative, and I got the c-line, space , good developent and when my knight arrived on pawnsupported e3 it became a monster claming he was at the strenght of a rook or better. I good player would have made this exchangesacrify intended to get that position. A worse player like me gets lucky because of superior development and initiative. It was luck, but it was selfmade luck.