
I need help


I like playing chess but I am really bad. I use to play chess almost every day but that was 2 years ago(I didn't join yet). I came back around 5 months ago and started playing again. Now I suck and could use some help from y'all. Is there anything I can do besides tactics like improve openings or end games. Most of my wins are from time(I know a lot of people who are like me in the 600's do that) and I rarely do a checkmate to end the game.

I do know about the lessons and have done them all until I have to upgrade to do more.
I am a noob and could use some help.
Sorry if this doesn't make any sense it's just because this is my second language.

Thank you to the people who reply to this with advice. 👍


Lay off the blitz, and bullet.  

tactics...tactics...tactics. has really good tactics.  If you use the tactics trainer here.  IMPORTANT!!!! Take your time, and try and figure out the tacitcal motif.  If youre just going to rush, to get more points, you arent going to learn.  

Following Opening Principles:

Control the center.

Develop towards the center.


Learn basic endgames:

KP vs. K


Learn basic mates:

KQ vs. K

KR vs. K

KRR vs. K

Thank you IMBacon!! Will do
lavahound100 wrote:
Thank you IMBacon!! Will do

If you ever have any question, etc.  Feel free to ask.  

Ok thanks again