
I'm back!


Ok, after three weeks and 5 tickets that were never answered I have been un-muted and all of my posts have been restored (which is a good thing). However, I will not be able to post on the forum much for two reasons. First, the staff reset my ratings for no reason, at least no reason they will tell me. Second, I am moving to Thailand in a month so I will be very busy and won't have much time for the forums. Now don't think that the staff were nice for unmuting me. Far from it. I was thinking of naming this forum "shame on you" So, heres the entire story of what happened from my perspective. If the staff are willing to give any clues to what actually happened, feel free:

I made the forum "who is ajttja" as an april fools joke. You may notice that it wasn't on april fools well, I was going to reveal "macer wins" from "mac erwins" on april fools day. So, I was minding my buisness posting here and there when my rating are reset without warning. I make a new thread to ask why when I am muted and all my posts deleted, again, without warning. They refused to tell me why I was muted although i suspect it was the "who was ajttja" or why my ratings were reset. And why they chose that course of action instead of warning meUndecided(duh) or deleting that thread, or if they actually thought i was mac erwins (macer wins then :P) then why did that have to mute me? I sent a vast many tickets (fine, only 5...) asking these question but instead of "your ticket will be replied to within 24 hours" I was ignored. They even told one of my opponents who was complaining that he wouldn't get any rating points anymore for beating me, that I should give a ticket and it would be replied to soon. I had a good laugh on that one. Oh, and BTW, unlike what sebleb would have you belive, I am certain that my mute had nothing to do around him.


Oh, I just realized something. I just proved my point. In the thread where you said you were going to ban everyone who didn't post in off topic, I told you that was a bad idea. And I was right, 3 topics were made on my behafe (how do you spell that?) and you had to lie to several inoccent members.


Where are you moving to in Thailand?




does this mean the blindfold tournament forum is back?! I'll check!!


yeah maybe you can befriend kleelof in thailand and meet him irl :D! Why are you moving to thailand? I have heard it's really cheap over there.


because I ate all the goats in Peru.