
In need of a chess coach/mentor (high elo)


someone to give me advice, tell me what to work on.. I need help in all areas especially opening and middle game.. also help lay out a study plan... thank you very much. private message me


Hi. I've done some study plan posts here: See Sample study plan and the links in that post. 

Look at my ratings by tapping or clicking on my profile picture and then tell me if my rating is high enough. Also, go to the blogs and search for RALRAL3333's blog. I have posted chess puzzles and much more there. Feel free to challenge me to daily chess and i can point out things to you as we play. Good luck

ThisisChesstiny wrote:

Hi. I've done some study plan posts here: See Sample study plan and the links in that post. 

Interesting that your main strategy appears to have been beating players 400 points lower than you. You have the highest win percentage I've ever seen, but you were so much higher rated that you gained only one point per game.




Thank you for your interest in my background. Not sure what my online blitz games have to do with sharing my views on study plans with someone who asked for help, but in any event. Yes, playing against much lower rated players was the only way I could get wins before I started taking chess more seriously. I talk about this terrible and frankly embarrassing habit in one of the very early posts on the same blog, so I can understand if the cursory research you undertook before deciding you needed to post your view here, may not have found it.

All the best.


If I am high, and I'm listening to Electric Light Orchestra, do I meet all criteria?

ThisisChesstiny wrote:


Thank you for your interest in my background. Not sure what my online blitz games have to do with sharing my views on study plans with someone who asked for help, but in any event. Yes, playing against much lower rated players was the only way I could get wins before I started taking chess more seriously. I talk about this terrible and frankly embarrassing habit in one of the very early posts on the same blog, so I can understand if the cursory research you undertook before deciding you needed to post your view here, may not have found it.

All the best.

Well it seems likely that your real blitz rating is somewhat below 1445, since you haven't played any type of rated live games in more than a year and since there was an obvious attempt at ratings manipulation before that.

Also, while they are impressive at face value, it seems hard to judge the benefit of your study plans on your own chess playing since you have played so few games since your blog posts announcing that you were adopting them.

In fact, it seems like your ratings have gone down substantially since you adopted the study plan.  (It says you were rated 1622 in 2014 and your study plan is from 2015.)




That's why I mention it.  While it is generous of you to offer your study plans to another, if you are your own best student...

/ I would like nothing better than for you to prove me wrong. Play 20+ live games with similarly rated players and let your rating adjust to wherever it should really be.

/ And let's not forget that the original poster has a blitz rating of 779, so he has no real need for a high ELO coach...

notmtwain wrote:

And let's not forget that the original poster has a blitz rating of 779, so he has no real need for a high ELO coach...


I agree with this.

Chess skill is built in layers. You start by building a solid foundation of calculation and general principles and then you build more complex things from there. If your foundation is weak then everything you try to build on top of it is going to be of very limited value.


There's nothing a 2500 can teach you that you can't get from a 1500. 


I am a National Master with 10+ years of teaching experience; for more information about me, see and Email to set up a free 30 minute consultation. 


Hi, I have 1872 at blitz and even better than that study plan I am offering a free lesson, in that you can see what to work, how to work and how to improve, also bad habits that you may have at chess, just message or check my blog on and write, no regrets


Just play a lot of games kid!
