
Is it still possible to become a Chess Grandmaster in FIDE at age 18?


I’m currently 18 years old with above 2000 rapid rating here in My FIDE Standard is around 1500 (I’m from the Philippines, a country filled with numerous underrated players). Would it still be possible for me to actually become a grandmaster of this game? Or like, what are even the odds that an 18 year old at 2k rating would become a grandmaster within 10-15 years?


Yes it is possible. If you can systain a progress of +100/year, then you can go up from 1500 to 2500 in 10 years. It requires hard and smart work.


Becoming a chess grandmaster is a challenging goal, but with dedication, it’s possible. Your current ratings show potential, and with focused training and participation in FIDE-rated tournaments, you can work towards achieving the grandmaster title. The odds are slim, but determination and consistent improvement can increase your chances. [url=]aarp membership login[/url]

tygxc wrote:

Yes it is possible. If you can systain a progress of +100/year, then you can go up from 1500 to 2500 in 10 years. It requires hard and smart work.

"Possible" is not a strong statement. This one, for example, is possible in theory (maybe), but it would be an incredible miracle. No wonder that no one has done it before.

No, but you can still reach expert level and maybe maybe master level but that’s unlikely.

Take it one step at a time. Get to a master level first (2200 FIDE). Then you'll have a better idea of what you'd need to climb even higher.

For the most part, players don't reach the Grandmaster level without professional coaching along the way. So if you're truly serious about this goal, you'll want to consider hiring a master-level instructor ... This is generally what separates the "wishful thinkers" from those who are truly serious about climbing the ranks.