
Is my rating in rapid any good? (for a 12 yr old)


I'm just starting to climb the rating ladder and I've started beating 1200-1300 players too!

I really wanna improve a LOT so it would be awesome if you can gimme some tips and stuff!

Btw what openings do you play?


Ya that's a solid rating for your age ! I'd recommend doing lots of tactics and drills and not focusing so much on opening


Thanks @rcu21 !


Not really, I'm a decent player for my age (top 50) and I was around 1800 at 12. A friend of mine who is one of the best for his age is 2300 and 2250 FIDE at 12. That being said, you are already better than 90% of people your age at chess so if you are happy with that you any rating is a very good rating.


"Any level of underachievement is ok as long as you're happy with it" lol, when did I say 1300 at 12 is an underachievement. A 1300 is already way better than almost all of the adults at the park and more than half of the people at If he just want to be a chess player who can beat most ordinary people, then he should be happy with a 1300 rating. If not, then he won't think 1300 is good and will try to improve. Besides: How does your comment gives him any device on how to improve?

CoffeeAnd420 wrote:

Not really. Many players your age are rated much higher than you. Besides: Nobody's going to be impressed no matter what chess rating you reach here in 2020 LOL. Want to impress your parents? Take the garbage out and don't waste your time on foolish board games! 

Want to impress your parents? Show them all these messages ur sending lol. They'll be very impressed with you

The_Alphas wrote:

I'm just starting to climb the rating ladder and I've started beating 1200-1300 players too!

I really wanna improve a LOT so it would be awesome if you can gimme some tips and stuff!

Btw what openings do you play?

I think your doing really well Alphas. The one good piece of advice I can give you is to not allow people to rain on your parade or let anyone discourage you from achieving whatever goals you set for yourself. Trust in yourself!

The_Alphas wrote:

Is my rating in rapid any good? (for a 12 yr old) I'm just starting to climb the rating ladder and I've started beating 1200-1300 players too! ...

It is hard to be very specific in answering this sort of question since, as far as I know, there is no collected data for ratings for particular ages. My guess is that such data would vary a lot because players do not all start learning at the same age. We can say that you seem to be doing better than many players who turn up around here, complaining about there rating remaining below 1000. On the other hand, there are some players who seem to soar up very quickly. At the moment, you do not seem to be in that group either, although it may be too early to really tell in your case.

The_Alphas wrote:

… I really wanna improve a LOT so it would be awesome if you can gimme some tips and stuff! ...

"... for those that want to be as good as they can be, they'll have to work hard.
Play opponents who are better than you … . Learn basic endgames. Create a simple opening repertoire (understanding the moves are far more important than memorizing them). Study tactics. And pick up tons of patterns. That’s the drumbeat of success. ..." - IM Jeremy Silman (December 27, 2018)
"... In order to maximize the benefits of [theory and practice], these two should be approached in a balanced manner. ... Play as many slow games (60 5 or preferably slower) as possible, ... The other side of improvement is theory. ... This can be reading books, taking lessons, watching videos, doing problems on software, etc. ..." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)
"... If it’s instruction, you look for an author that addresses players at your level (buying something that’s too advanced won’t help you at all). This means that a classic book that is revered by many people might not be useful for you. ..." - IM Jeremy Silman (2015)
Here are some reading possibilities that I often mention:
Simple Attacking Plans by Fred Wilson (2012)
Logical Chess: Move by Move by Irving Chernev (1957)
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played by Irving Chernev (1965)
Winning Chess by Irving Chernev and Fred Reinfeld (1948)
Back to Basics: Tactics by Dan Heisman (2007)
Discovering Chess Openings by GM John Emms (2006)
Openings for Amateurs by Pete Tamburro (2014)
Chess Endgames for Kids by Karsten Müller (2015)
A Guide to Chess Improvement by Dan Heisman (2010)
Studying Chess Made Easy by Andrew Soltis (2009)
Seirawan stuff:

CoffeeAnd420 wrote:
cjxchess17 wrote:

Not really, I'm a decent player for my age (top 50) and I was around 1800 at 12. A friend of mine who is extremely good at chess is 2300 and 2250 FIDE at 12. That being said, you are already better than 90% of people your age at chess so if you are happy with that you any rating is a very good rating.


That's not sending the right message to a child. "Any level of underachievement is ok as long as you're happy with it". You're obviously one of these weird, radical socialists who won't be heard from again after the next election makes it CRYSTAL clear that America will never be a socialist country.



try vc The Alphas , that format allows for and encourages any regardless of grade to give their insights into the game and helps all in the team learn from each other , 


I didn't know anything about chess when I was 12. I think I learned the game when I was about 15 or 16. So, you're way ahead of where I was. But, as already mention (post #9) don't consider age, focus on the game.

Let me turn the question around: How do you think your rating is? If you're satisfied, keep doing what you have been doing. You seem to be on the right track. Kindaspongey may have posted too much information; there is such a thing as information overload. So, pick what appeals to you and stick with it. By the way, I'm a big GM Yasser Seirawan fan, and Kindaspongey included some Seirawan mater in his list towards the end. I'm biased, but I'd start there.

If you are not happy, learn patience and keep studying and playing. I would advise slower time controls that afford you the opportunity of really reviewing and analyzing positions before making a move. Don't beat yourself up if you don't appear to be progressing as quickly as you'd like. That's where patience becomes important. Good luck.

PS VC (Vote Chess) may not improve your game; however, if you get in with a good group that discusses moves, you will gain some insight into how other people think and evaluate positions. That is always useful.


You're doing fine! No, you're not GM material with that rating at 12, but you're way way ahead of where most chess players are at that age. In regards to that gigantic list of books you were given by Kindaspongey, I would ignore all of it (for now) in favor of one book: "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess" by Patrick Wolff. It has everything you need to build a solid foundation--from the opening to the middle to the endgame. It's full of great tactics, and there are so many diagrams that you can pretty much read it without a board. Though I would strongly suggest a board to set up and play out the positions. 

After you've finished that book, go on to the Seirawan series. It's wonderful

Here's hoping you have a fine life in chess! I'm 68, and it's been my treasured hobby since I was 14. (Although my rating is still nothing to brag about).



Thanks to all the encouraging comments and yeah I know I am not REALLY good but I hope I improve a lot! Btw I've been playing chess for about 4-6 months!


The_Alphas wrote:

Thanks to all the encouraging comments and yeah I know I am not REALLY good but I hope I improve a lot! Btw I've been playing chess for about 4-6 months!



Indeed you are performing considerably well, when one takes into account the time period for which you have played. It happens to be so that I am of an identical age to you; howbeit, I have played for a few months longer than that of you. 

The_Alphas wrote:

I'm just starting to climb the rating ladder and I've started beating 1200-1300 players too!

I really wanna improve a LOT so it would be awesome if you can gimme some tips and stuff!

Btw what openings do you play?


As an avid 1.d4 supporter, I tend to play the London system or occasionally London Jobava System as white. Additionally, I enjoy employing the Reti Opening, yet I don’t delve into transposition into Tennison Gambit anymore. Usually, my Reti opening develops into a London system, or some English Opening bearing an uncanny resemblance to the English opening. If otherwise, I would try for the Urusov Gambit, especially against sub 1600 players. 

As for playing as black, I typically utilise the French or the Sicilian for 1.e4, and sometimes I play 1.e4 e5 and afterwards if he employs the standard knight move, I retaliate with the Petroff. If he/she plays the Kings Gambit, I am ardent of the Adelaide Counter Gambit. For against 1.d4, I respond with the standard knight move or if I am feeling as though I wish to aggravate my opponent, I play d5, in the hope that they would play Queens Gambit, whereupon I could parry with Albin Countergambit. If I desire to reach ultimate vexatiousness, I utilise the Englund Gambit.


It's getting warm in here. Must be the hot air.

Patszer wrote:

It's getting warm in here. Must be the hot air.

Must be the colour confinement violation. First and foremost, we are compelled to view your profile picture, which alludes to GR impeccably. While colour confinement and GR May be distinctly unrelated concepts, the yin yang demands otherwise, but how are we to find the inextricable connection? That question shall be left as an exercise to the reader.


Just having some fun. No disrespect intended bro.

Patszer wrote:

Just having some fun. No disrespect intended bro.

That is perfectly fine. Howbeit, what, in all seriousness does your profile picture allude to?