
Is refusing to accept a draw because of a misclick bad sportmanship?


I have had games where people make misclicks. It is best to accept them even though you are winning?

I usually don't but someone recently then accused me of bad sportsmanship. I don't think so, but I want to hear other opinions.


You are not required to accept draws caused by misclicks, medical emergencies, floods, hurricanes, bubonic plague, giant meteor impact, or alien invasions.

If Godzilla attacks, however, all ongoing chess games should be declared a draw.


I will keep that in mind... 🙃


You should only accept a draw due to a misclick when the opponent is rated higher than you.


No and in fact the one trying to seek the draw should suffer a worse defeat for being so distracting.


My rule of thumb is that I'll accept the draw if they were winning, but if I have an edge or the position is roughly level, I just take the win. That's more of an "I'd like people to do the same if I royally messed up something" thing though, not necessarily a sportsmanship thing.

I'd also say just take the win in a longer time control, since there's no real excuse for making a slip there.


Personally, I think so.  But these points grubbers won't be denied, so good luck getting someone to do the right thing.


skill issue


honestly though never draw go for the win it's not your fault


If I misclick it's entirely my responsibility. It happens because of my sloppiness or time trouble, because my mouse was not in good condition or I was playing on a tiny touch screen. It can be for whatever reason but it has nothing to do with my opponent so I will not expect him to offer me a draw or a takeback. And vice versa, I will not spend even a second of my time to try to understand if my opponent has misclicked ot just blundered. A move is a move, period. I think it's the most straightforward, honest and simple approach.

uri65 wrote:

If I misclick it's entirely my responsibility. It happens because of my sloppiness or time trouble, because my mouse was not in good condition or I was playing on a tiny touch screen. It can be for whatever reason but it has nothing to do with my opponent so I will not expect him to offer me a draw or a takeback. And vice versa, I will not spend even a second of my time to try to understand if my opponent has misclicked ot just blundered. A move is a move, period. I think it's the most straightforward, honest and simple approach.

To play devil's advocate, things like playing on a tiny screen or having a mouse in bad condition, though they are your fault, are not chessic errors. So, perhaps, there are two possible perspectives:

1. Because we cannot entirely rule out factors off the board, taking advantage of things like mouse slips is fair game.

2. Even though we cannot entirely rule out factors off the board, we should try and do so as much as possible.


I would say treat other people the way that you would wish to be treated. 


I'd frankly argue asking for a draw after a mislick to be bad sportsmanship. We all play under the same conditions (unless somehow proven otherwise), we're all liable to making misclicks. I've made many myself, and if bad enough I'd resign and move on.

It's just chess, one misclick in one game, move on to the next. People care about the arbitrary number next to their nick way too much here.


It's their mistake, they will receive punishing consequences for it. You also don't accept draws after a "misclick" because you never know if somebody just made a terrible move that they thought was good, and only after you punish their mistake are they like "omg misclick pls draw."

deadmemer1 wrote:

It's their mistake, they will receive punishing consequences for it. You also don't accept draws after a "misclick" because you never know if somebody just made a terrible move that they thought was good, and only after you punish their mistake are they like "omg misclick pls draw."

That's a good point. 


Misclicks happen... I just try not to get too bent about it. Also just trying to make my first post here so thank you.


I think if you were like OBVIOUSLY losing before your opponent misclicked, yes it's poor sportsmanship. but if you were equal you can decline it because you were fighting for a win.

I have health issues, and a cat, and I misclick every 15 games or so because of one or the other. I play rated games knowing this could happen, and I play accepting those risks.

If you don’t want to accept the consequences of your limitations, then don’t play rated games.
blueemu wrote:

You are not required to accept draws caused by misclicks, medical emergencies, floods, hurricanes, bubonic plague, giant meteor impact, or alien invasions.

If Godzilla attacks, however, all ongoing chess games should be declared a draw.



I was playing in a tournament in Alabama back in the 80's against my best friend and he moved the wrong piece and instantly asked me if he could take back the move. I said "Jim, this is a tournament game!" When playing against him while preparing for tournaments with the touch rule in place he would constantly ask to take back moves or touch a piece and try to move something else. It became very annoying. Chess is a game where one must actually follow the rules and when the rules are broken it is on you and no one else.

Years ago I read of an incident where a GM (don't remember his name) accidently touched a piece and nonchalantly started stirring his coffee with the piece he touched before placing it back on the board. It didn't work.