
Just Uncovered - Fischer's electronic archives


A letter to Topalov:

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert J Fischer [mailto: [deleted]]
Sent: Sunday, 09 December 2007 04:08
To: [Deleted]
Subject: Knight sac in the Moscow

Reykjavik, December 2007

Dear Veselin,

I wish you all the best for the tournament in Wijk. You asked me for new ideas. Okay, here is one I had on the Moscow Variation. After 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6 5.Bg5 h6 6.Bh4 dxc4 7.e4 g5 8.Bg3 b5 9.Be2 Bb7 10.0–0 Nbd7 11.Ne5 Bg7 why can’t you simply sac the knight on f7? 12.Nxf7 Kxf7 and then continue with 13.e5 Nd5 14.Ne4? What can Black do? After e.g. 14… Ke7 you play 15.Nd6 and now e.g. Qb6 16.Bg4 Raf8 17.Qc2. That is the point. The queen comes to g6. If now 17… Qxd4 then 18.Qg6 Qxg4 19.Qxg7+ Kd8 20.Nxb7+ Kc8 and now 21.a4 is very strong. If then 21… b4 you simply play 22.Rac1 c3 23.bxc3 b3 24.c4 Rfg8 25.Nd6+ Kc7 26.Qf7 Rf8 and now 27.h3. That really should win. 27.cxd5 is not good I think, because of 27…Rxf7. And after 28.Rxc6+ Kb8 29.Nxf7 you can play. 29...Qe2 and after 30.Nxh8 there is the awful 30…Qxf1+ 31.Kxf1 b2. Well, check it all with the Cheperinof guy. Say he came up with it if it works. DO NOT say you got it from me!

Best regards

Pretty interesting...does anyone know if they have authenticated or confirmed the emails?  It seems pretty earthshaking since many of them are to Kasparov and Kasparov has always denied any interaction with Fischer (he wrote in his obit: "I am often asked if I ever met or played Bobby Fischer. The answer is no, I never had that opportunity. But even though he saw me as a member of the evil chess establishment that he felt had robbed and cheated him, I am sorry I never had a chance to thank him personally for what he did for our sport." link here). 

Taken from Chessbase -

Fischer's Electronic Archives – just an April 1st hoax
02.04.2008 It was simply too good to be true: Bobby Fischer corresponding with all the great players in the past years, giving them tips and lines to play in their games? Fischer secretly responsible for all the dramatic novelties over the past years? Naturally this was a carefully crafted prank with no basis in reality. Tragic but true. Most readers spotted it immediately. Here a selection of their letters.


This is follwed by some of the readers responses, and the comment from ChessBase;

We start with the readers who were taken in by our April Fool's prank. In the letters we quote (also around a third of the ones we received) we have removed the names. Readers might be embarrassed by the fact that they fell for such an obvious prank.
kohai wrote:

Taken from Chessbase -

Fischer's Electronic Archives – just an April 1st hoax
02.04.2008 – It was simply too good to be true: Bobby Fischer corresponding with all the great players in the past years, giving them tips and lines to play in their games? Fischer secretly responsible for all the dramatic novelties over the past years? Naturally this was a carefully crafted prank with no basis in reality. Tragic but true. Most readers spotted it immediately. Here a selection of their letters.


This is follwed by some of the readers responses, and the comment from ChessBase;

We start with the readers who were taken in by our April Fool's prank. In the letters we quote (also around a third of the ones we received) we have removed the names. Readers might be embarrassed by the fact that they fell for such an obvious prank.

 ohhh you ruined it :P

Great, great prank! 
LOL lochness, you posted it on 3rd april ... april fools day had been and gone.
Really! I was waiting yesterday all day for someone to pull a good prank on me and it never happened.  The Google "Virgle" one was okay.  Today lochness and chessbase got me a day late! 
every day in April is April Fools Day... no?

As far as i know its only April 1st.

Unless you're a permenant prankster  

For me every day in April is because I, like Socrates, am a perpetual fool.  And a sophist.  But that has nothing to do with April.  Or being a fool.  I think.