
Kasparov Greatest Player of all times?


It's not for a patzer like me to judge who has been the greatest player, though I particularly love the games of Paul Morphy.  However, there is no doubt who has been the greatest chess personality, and that's Kasparov, who has been a major figure on the international stage unlike any other World Champion. Watch his interview with David Frost on YouTube. Fischer had mental health problems, certainly in later life, and Karpov, Anand and Carlsen are uncharismatic.


"Fischer has to be considered the greatest. His run through chess was fairy tale in its rise. Kasparov's dominance was longer I guess, but if Fischer kept playing he would of ran through Karpov for another some odd years. I don't know much about all the seconds that helped Kasparov, but Fischer did it on his own more than any other player. I refuse to give too much credit to "team Kasparov" however. Surely he was great outside of the books, his sacrifices are part of what make his games so appealing."

Must be pretty convenient being called the greatest and not having to defend a single game as champion....should have could have would have.

Who knows what would have happened to Karpov, you can thank Fischer for his ridiculous requests regarding the1975 match.

All future players take note!! Repeat a run like Fischers and you dont even need to win or play a single game as champion....!! You will be considered greatest.