
Little chess parnter


I was just wondering how many people have beaten it and at what level?  I finally beat it on the easy level.  I'm just trying to get a feel for how my game is since I'm new to this site.  I love this site by the way.  Thanks!

I've beaten it on the medium level, I've almost beaten it on hard! That'll be the day when I can crush it lol.
Nilesh wrote: I've beaten it on the medium level, I've almost beaten it on hard! That'll be the day when I can crush it lol.

Nice, you must be a pretty good player.  Thanks for the reply.

I have beaten on the easy level.  I have tried the medium level, but have not won yet.  I have not tried the hard level.
I have beaten the easy level,but have not tried any other levels.
I beat it on medium and almost won on hard
after,readin ur post i thought id give it a try since i hadn't for ages. have neva been able to beat it before but pleased to say i have jus done so on easy level.x

I can never beat it, even on easy. I must try harder.


kellybabe wrote: after,readin ur post i thought id give it a try since i hadn't for ages. have neva been able to beat it before but pleased to say i have jus done so on easy level.x

Thanks for the reply.  Yeah the computer is tough.  I'd rather play a person, more fun and better chance for winning Wink

I never beat it either, it's just not the same as playing a real person.. It's just too easy to start over, that's the reason I make many mistakes..
Miles_Deus wrote: I never beat it either, it's just not the same as playing a real person.. It's just too easy to start over, that's the reason I make many mistakes..

Miles, I find the fact that I can start over great, because I practice playing and hopefully I will learn what I am doing wrong. (I think I don't look at the whole board and make moves that land me in trouble). It's like when I play opponents who are much better than me, (nearly everyone). I'm just amazed how quickly they get me in check. Sometimes, I can fight my way out of it, but I can't start over with them, so I lose yet again. Still I keep trying, and keep learning.

That  little guy better watch out. (Can you imagine how chuffed I'm gona be if I do beat him. Can't wait.


Hey, everybody, I beat him! Hurray, I actually beat him. Huh? What's that you say, Yes I know it was on easy, But I actually beat him. Hurray. First time ever. WOW!!!!. I must admit I was a little disappointed when no whoops or cheers came up at the point of checkmate. Hey Erik, that would be a good suggestion

Boy I am happy, I must be learning something at long last. Fandabidosy.LaughingCool

way to go queenie!!! congrats!!Smile
ancientpistol wrote: way to go queenie!!! congrats!!

Thanks I'm still beaming. (Mindyou they do say 'Little things please littl minds).


queenie wrote: ancientpistol wrote: way to go queenie!!! congrats!!

Thanks I'm still beaming. (Mindyou they do say 'Little things please littl minds).


lol! a win is a win. dont sell yourself short, its always gratifying to beat an opponent who has defeated you several times. i know, it took me several tries to win against lil chess. shine on!!

I beat it on hard once only.  It goes haywire!  Once it had exhausted all decent lines, it just started making crazy sacrifices (a rook first, then the queen....).  Other than that, I tend to play the threefold repetition rule (even if the computer itself doesn't), so have drawn a fair few times. 

No wins. Embarassed


SmileI have drew with him (on hard) due to the three move repetition and that is the only time i have played with him.


The first time I played it on hard, and, as I had other pressing matters elsewhere, played it blitz and won easily. The computer isn't really that strong, and plays very predictably.
I played it on easy but I fell for the FOOL'S MATE 3 times in a row. I got mad and fired up Chessmaster, giving it 1 sec per move, set the little prog to hard, and proceeded to dismantle the little piece of garbage in record time. I estimate it to be 1750 on Hard.