
moves per games: more as we get better?


I have noticed that my games are getting longer and longer in terms of moves per game. I have played a little more than 300 games and have improved my game up to a ranking in the mid 1600s. My average number of moves per game is 34 but if I look at my last 10 games, it's closer to 47. I'd like to know what is your average, and if playing longer games comes with experience, or if it is just a sign that one wants to play on till the bitter end.


My average number of moves per game is 24 and im rated 1972. It either means you are beating a lot of people with tactics or youre getting beaten by them.


I am not sure that the number of moves is related to how good you are. It's an interesting question though. It may say more about your style: tactical or positional. My average moves is 34 and I am rated 2025.


1720 here and my average is 29


It has come to my attention that maybe I was playing more positionally, which resulted in trench battles that could last longer, hence the 47 average in my last 10 games. Also, I became reluctant to resign from seemingly lost game after saving a few with miraculous counter attacks.


Might I have contributed to that notion?


It might just be that as you get better your less likely to fall into opening traps. However the idea does make sense once you start regulary reaching endgames: as the average ability of the defender goes up, so does the number of best defences which requires the attacker to spend longer defeating the defence