
No queen vs no pawns...


someone get houdini and test this out!!

spikestars wrote:

someone get houdini and test this out!!

The comp just says -4 in favor of black (who has the queen) surprisingly

It's probably because white is so far behind in development and there are a multitude of threats....OR its just how the engine is programmed haha

spikestars wrote:

someone get houdini and test this out!!

If you take a look at earlier posts, you will see there is a computer analaysis from both black with Q and white wth Q. It seems to support what the higher reated players here are saying; the queen rules.

kleelof wrote:
spikestars wrote:

someone get houdini and test this out!!

If you take a look at earlier posts, you will see there is a computer analaysis from both black with Q and white wth Q. It seems to support what the higher reated players here are saying; the queen rules.

Uh no, I'm not a high rated guy by any stretch, but the pawns can dominate the queen if white can get his pieces coordinated properly. That's a huge generality, but it doesnt look like he can properly coordinate (develop the pieces even!) due to some early wierd moves on the queen's side.

InfiniteFlash wrote:
kleelof wrote:
spikestars wrote:

someone get houdini and test this out!!

If you take a look at earlier posts, you will see there is a computer analaysis from both black with Q and white wth Q. It seems to support what the higher reated players here are saying; the queen rules.

Uh no, I'm not a high rated guy by any stretch, but the pawns will dominate the queen if white can get his pieces coordinated properly. That's a huge generality, but it doesnt look like he can properly coordinate (develop the pieces even!) due to some early wierd moves on the queen's side.

So you agree that the queen side would win?


BTW, I think, generally, a lot of people would agree 2000+, even in Online Chess, counts as a high rating.Laughing


I would think the side with the Queen could quickly force enough weaknesess to then target with heavy pieces and win


Even a pawn center is hard to maintain for the side with the pawns -- that is, even defending the e5 and d5 squares from the white pieces (if we assume white has the queen) is in itself hard, especially considering development.

And even if the pawn side did get the pieces coordinated, there still wouldn't be that much behind the pawns because he is simply down a queen. It would take immense preparation to advance the pawns to any reasonable degree without way too many weaknesses being created.

If you put a bunch of black pawns on the 4th rank, make a bunch of free moves for black to defend them, maybe that's a different story. But that's not realistic (to say the least) given the starting position. Black could avoid moving too many pawns to avoid weaknesses, but then white is under little to no pressure.


When I first saw this thread, I had the feeling it might be trolling. 

But it has turned out to be a very interesting lesson about the power of a queen and the difference between how experienced and inexperienced players see the board.


An interesting imbalance that happens much more often is a minor piece vs three pawns. Usually, the minor piece is better, the main exceptions being if the pawns start out pretty far advanced and well protected. The problem is that when the pawns try to advance, they expose themselves to attack, and being down the piece means it's harder to support the pawns, both the squares in front of them and behind them.

GM Bryan Smith did an article in's daily column about such a scenario pretty recently; it's worth checking out.


The one without pawns, you can get all you pieces out, have a strong piece, and this is all for the price to have not the safest king side, id play without pawns

kleelof wrote:

When I first saw this thread, I had the feeling it might be trolling. 

But it has turned out to be a very interesting lesson about the power of a queen and the difference between how experienced and inexperienced players see the board.

You thought i was trolling? It was an honest curiosity!:( ....Also what about no knights and 1 bishop down vs no queen....just how powerful is this bird?


Without pawns you are probably dead because you have no defence!

mattDearle wrote:
kleelof wrote:

When I first saw this thread, I had the feeling it might be trolling. 

But it has turned out to be a very interesting lesson about the power of a queen and the difference between how experienced and inexperienced players see the board.

You thought i was trolling? It was an honest curiosity!:( ....Also what about no knights and 1 bishop down vs no queen....just how powerful is this bird?

All pawns on the board?



Pawn chess with kings, where white has a queen and black has 2 rooks (and ability to castle). That is interesting


I would expect the "no pawns" side to win easily. I am not even sure of what side to pick in a pawns vs no pawns game (ie only taking off the pawns from one side).


As for queen vs. pawns with no other pieces altogether, I really have no clue. I would say the queen if the starting position is (White : a2->f2,Ke1 ; Black : Ke8,Qd8) , but it is certainly less clear.


This one seems pretty even:
