
Over the board game, guy must have had silicon chip constipation!!?

I recently had an over the board league game I started off as black a normal looking modern setup as black ie,. 1..g6 ..Bg7..d6 ..Nd7..a6 my opponent had made already 3 trips to the toilet when he returned I decided to test his itchy feet by continuing with ...e6..Ne7..b6..Bb7 heading into the hippo swamp in the end we had made 28 moves and my opponent had 6 minutes on his clock remaining to my 24 minutes and wondered if he decided to spare his visits due to frozen silicon chips and his eventual flag falling!!?😉🤔
Hai hai
Bai bai
Twinkle twinkle little marshmallows

I personally found the situation very amusing game lasted 34 moves, every toilet trip I marked on the score sheet 11 trips to the loo, perhaps his batteries were getting low which would accout for his moves getting weaker, when he came out and walked towards the board I pointed to the clock indicating his flag had gone, he but his coat on, picked up his score sheet and left, never said a word what a total moron!!?