
Premium - what's it worth?


So I've been offered a free 10-day trial of premium membership...

Two questions.

First, this isn't really an ideal time for a premium membership for me - I'm rather busy these days.  If I leave that message sitting in my inbox for six months, does anyone know if I can pick up the free trial later at a more convenient time?  Or does the opportunity go?

Second, as I look at the benefits offered at, I see several things of interest:

  1. Video lessons: I can find a lot of videos free on youtube if I care to look.  Maybe the ones on are conveniently organized or something, though.
  2. Chess mentor: this looks like it might be pretty useful.
  3. Computer analysis: I can download Stockfish and analyze all my games for free if I want. 
  4. TV: meh
  5. Game explorer: might be nice, but I've functioned OK without, and I have found another website with a similar feature for free (don't remember where).  No biggie.
  6. Tactics trainer: would be nice, although there are other websites that have similar features for free.
  7. Live tournaments: meh
  8. Turn-based tournaments: might be nice, but no biggie.
  9. Performance stats: might be nice to see mine.  Not all that important, though.

So, as I see it, the main benefit I would get from premium would be chess mentor.  There's a couple others that might be nice.  So, how valuable is chess mentor?  Does it accomplish anything that tactics trainer and a couple Silman books don't do just as well?  Am I missing something else?


On TV today, we got to watch GM Alex Lenderman get trashed by the computer in an odds match. (The game I watched Lenderman was given the exchange to start.)  It was pretty entertaining. The Live lectures by GM Alex Yermolinsky (and others) are also very entertaining.  

Getting to look at the status of V3 for the last year was pretty entertaining too.  Being able to post bug reports seems like a pretty good thing too.

The part of the Game Explorer that's really valuable isn't really working for most people. It is supposed to offer you a searchable database of your own games, where you can see what lines you play are winners and losers. This has been broken ever since the site got massively popular.

As points out, you can get a 30 day money back no questions asked trial the first time you sign up for a premium membership.


This 10-day trial is only available for a short time...I would take it!

The videos are much better than those on Youtube. You get all your favorite authors--mine being Khachyian and Bojkov. Chess Mentor is GREAT. Tactics Trainer is the best one on the net.

Overall, Platinum is good, but if you want the videos, go for Diamond.


Whoot, it's good if you have the money


The price of an annual premium membership is peanuts. Less than the cost of one pint of beer per month, one and a half pints per month for the top level of membership.

   However, be careful. All companies which offer free trial memberships/subscriptions bury things deep in their terms and conditions which are difficult to spot and sometimes can't be cancelled in time.

   Still, the Chess.Com subscription is dirt cheap and it chips in to the costs of running the site - well worth it.


diamond- i dont think its worth it, but platnum seems fine, i bought it for the live tourneys


If you have time to watch Videos diamond.png is the best.

I still prefer platinum.png though.

gold.png is useless. Don't waste your money on that.




I got it and like it.

It's what - $14 a month? Even if you hardly use it.....

It isn't a ton of money.

I say go for it even if you only find value in one thing (if you want to improve your chess game).
KID_Harish wrote:

 is useless. Don't waste your money on that.

It still gets rid of the ads (except the occasional one). For some people, that's worth it.

david wrote:
KID_Harish wrote:

 is useless. Don't waste your money on that.

It still gets rid of the ads (except the occasional one). For some people, that's worth it.


I was going to get a platinum membership at some point and then I was given a diamond membership for free. The only things I have taken advantage of are unlimited tactics, unlimited lessons, computer analysis, and the auto-vacation time. I would like to host my own tournaments but I need my timeout percentage to go down. And as for Stockfish, I just don't go that in depth with my analysis. The analysis offers is plenty enough for me to see the errors I need to fix to get better. Also, you mention quite a few features that you can find elsewhere. But part of the benefit is to have all of the features in one place. Not to mention, I've found the features to be the best on here. I used to have another tactics trainer app on my phone, but they were user submitted and not always of great quality. allows me to see all of my chess progress in one place. And it's all of top-notch.


Oh... didn't realize how old this thread is somehow.


TRextastic wrote:

I was going to get a platinum membership at some point and then I was given a diamond membership for free. The only things I have taken advantage of are unlimited tactics, unlimited lessons, computer analysis, and the auto-vacation time. I would like to host my own tournaments but I need my timeout percentage to go down. And as for Stockfish, I just don't go that in depth with my analysis. The analysis offers is plenty enough for me to see the errors I need to fix to get better. Also, you mention quite a few features that you can find elsewhere. But part of the benefit is to have all of the features in one place. Not to mention, I've found the features to be the best on here. I used to have another tactics trainer app on my phone, but they were user submitted and not always of great quality. allows me to see all of my chess progress in one place. And it's all of top-notch.

are you a rich woman?

1hey wrote:
TRextastic wrote:

I was going to get a platinum membership at some point and then I was given a diamond membership for free. The only things I have taken advantage of are unlimited tactics, unlimited lessons, computer analysis, and the auto-vacation time. I would like to host my own tournaments but I need my timeout percentage to go down. And as for Stockfish, I just don't go that in depth with my analysis. The analysis offers is plenty enough for me to see the errors I need to fix to get better. Also, you mention quite a few features that you can find elsewhere. But part of the benefit is to have all of the features in one place. Not to mention, I've found the features to be the best on here. I used to have another tactics trainer app on my phone, but they were user submitted and not always of great quality. allows me to see all of my chess progress in one place. And it's all of top-notch.

are you a rich woman?

Are you gonna ask her out now?

FrederickClegg wrote:
How do i get a free trial?


I think they are still offered occasionally but the standard method is to buy the version you want to test and use the 30-day money-back guarantee if you decide you don't like it.

Snookslayer wrote:

"Diamond $99 /year Save 40%!"

Wow, I can really save 40%? What an amazing deal! Except, when was it ever $140?  It's like WalMart where EVERYTHING IS ON SALE .... all the time for eterinity. Ya know that's not really a sale, right?

BTW - if it was $20, I'd bite. Til then, god bless Adblock Plus.


The savings are over paying it month-to-month.

1hey wrote:
TRextastic wrote:

I was going to get a platinum membership at some point and then I was given a diamond membership for free. The only things I have taken advantage of are unlimited tactics, unlimited lessons, computer analysis, and the auto-vacation time. I would like to host my own tournaments but I need my timeout percentage to go down. And as for Stockfish, I just don't go that in depth with my analysis. The analysis offers is plenty enough for me to see the errors I need to fix to get better. Also, you mention quite a few features that you can find elsewhere. But part of the benefit is to have all of the features in one place. Not to mention, I've found the features to be the best on here. I used to have another tactics trainer app on my phone, but they were user submitted and not always of great quality. allows me to see all of my chess progress in one place. And it's all of top-notch.

are you a rich woman?

What does that have to do with anything? You think I'm rich because I once considered buying a membership that costs $49/year? Are you a poor man?


I would say there were a few benefits to premium before the decision to go to V3

Snookslayer wrote:
TRextastic wrote:

I was going to get a platinum membership at some point and then I was given a diamond membership for free.

What did you have to do to get a free membership?  Be as graphic as you can.

I traded a rug made from your mom's chest hair for it.