


Hi, I simply wanted to know why some opponents have pre-moves and I do not, is it a facility that only premium members have?


It is available for all members who play on live chess, to activate it ;

1) go to the main screen of live chess

2) find the "settings" tab, it could either be on the top right hand side, or below your graph, or below your chat box on the bottom right corner

3. Click settings, click the heading "Play"

4) Tick the box (if it isn't checked already) that says on the left hand side "Premove".

5) have fun with premoves!


thank you


Hi, I'm having players use premoves on me on online chess and was woundering how to turn it on. From what I've read people are saying you have to be on live chess but like I've  said some players are using it against me on online chess.