
Rating Question


When a person plays in a women's event, are ratings affected?  If so, how are the rating reconciled with open events?

And, what sort of norms are required for women's titles?



My understanding, whether under US Chess or FIDE systems, is that games in rated women's events are games that are rated just like any other games between rated players. Each game is rated based on the two players' ratings and the result. The fact that it's in an all-women's tournament or not doesn't change anything. 

For info on norms for women's titles, see the FIDE Handbook, at this link:

There are many details to norms, but here (§ 1.48) is helpful. It's the performance rating someone needs to achieve in a norm-eligible event:

GM: 2600

IM: 2450

WGM: 2400

WIM: 2250

There's other requirements, like the minimum average rating of your opponents:

GM: 2380

IM: 2230

WGM: 2180

WIM: 2030