
The 50 move rule shouldn't exist!


KRBKR IS winnable, so yeah, he didn't agree to a draw, but Q VS Q is virtually always a draw, so it makes no sense not to agree to a draw in that endgame.

EndgameStudy wrote:

KRBKR IS winnable, so yeah, he didn't agree to a draw, but Q VS Q is virtually always a draw, so it makes no sense not to agree to a draw in that endgame.

But as discussed a few posts earlier it makes no difference in KQKQ.


The percentage of White to play winning positions in KQKQ is almost identical to that in KRBKR by the way (just over 40%). They're just easier to win.


Not in ALL positions can a skewer be forced like that anyway.

EndgameStudy wrote:



If it's just randomly checking the king until he agrees to a draw, then it's not hard. I mean you don't have to think that much over any move, unlike a Rook+Bishop vs Rook or Rook vs Knight endgame.


The 50 move and repetition rules are only to deal with players who won't agree a draw.


What endgame were you thinking of where you can get away with random checks?


No, I was saying that in some Q V Q endgames can go on for a long time without a skewer, which forces a draw.

EndgameStudy wrote:

No, I was saying that in some Q V Q endgames can go on for a long time without a skewer, which forces a draw.

Put up a drawn KQK position and I'll post my moves. See if you can get to 30.


Not quite sure how to do that. How about u put one up and I'll try to avoid being skewered.

EndgameStudy wrote:

Not quite sure how to do that. How about u put one up and I'll try to avoid being skewered.

Well that arrangement doesn't work too well. I just put up a position with you already skewered.


Try checking your position is a draw on Shredder. (


I'm assuming 3x repetition rule is in effect btw.


 Not good with working this. They should be able evaluate positions right here.


OK. I've asked Wilhelm/Nalimov to give me a list of White to play draws where neither the white queen nor black king are a queen's move away from the black queen so that White cannot immediately take the queen or skewer. It gives me a selection of circa 262000. This is number 100000 on its list. Will that do? If so I'll try Qc2. 



I'm not familiar with how to work that site, sorry. Maybe we can play an unrated game where we construct this position-PROMISE i won't mate u for fun at some point


Never played a game here. Do you have to start from the beginning? It might be easier to post here, it shouldn't be more than a dozen moves or so.


So white has to force a draw?


Yes. You, as Black, have to try to prevent it, or at any rate last out as long as possible.



With the repetition rule?





I am pretty sure a lot of QvQ endings would go on forever without an exchange if one player chose that as an objective. They get drawn by one of the other drawing rules.


The 3 fold repetition is a SELF-EXPLANATORY DRAW, whether it's in the rule book or not. It's like saying u can't checkmate with a pawn.



MARattigan wrote:
