
Strong Bullet players of rating 1300-1400


Hello chess lovers. I have played 839 no of games (bullet) so far after joining on May 20, 2019. My highest bullet rating (all 60 seconds) is 1557 after playing around 200 games. Around 500 games I was still in the rating group of 1500+. Because of the poor internet connection (huge lags) yesterday,  my rating dropped from 150x to some 120x. After that I got stable connections today morning and then I've been able to set it again at 1491. Quite surprisingly I see that the players who are in the rating group of 1300-1400 - are too strong in bullet games. Oops! It was a real hurdle. They are so fast and logical! Not all but most are logical along with the speed. It is my observation. What do you think dear + respected chess lovers here at Is my observation proper?    


I think its probably because your in that category. 


a bunch of time players. mostly winning on time


Danke,vielen Dank !!!



Ah, well, so we learn that we don't live in a perfect world, thanks be.