
Frustrating site navigation


what a frustrating site this is where played games simply go missing and cannot be found anywhere. my last 4x games with Nelson have all gone ? very very frustrating interface

InstinctiveArcher wrote:

what a stupid site this is where played games simply go missing and cannot be found anywhere. my last 4x games with Nelson have all gone ? very very frustrating interface

Games against bots are not saved unless you run a Game Review on the website or manually save them (website and Android app)


ah that explains it then. Thank you for the explanation I suppose games against bots don't add anything to ones rating either ?

talking of ratings why is it I seem to have 2x ratings one of 1212 and another of 400 ?

InstinctiveArcher wrote:

ah that explains it then. Thank you for the explanation I suppose games against bots don't add anything to ones rating either ?

talking of ratings why is it I seem to have 2x ratings one of 1212 and another of 400 ?

Correct, not games are not rated in any way.

As for ratings, each pool has it's own rating.

Plus Daily Chess has its own rating


ok thank you for explaining that I appreciate your patience . please excuse my rudeness but I was finding it extremely frustrating trying to navigate this site . None of this is explained anywhere on the site that I have found. I am surprised that each member doesn't have a personal place where they can see everything at a glance . past games , opponents ,ratings etc its tough finding your way when you are new here . Maybe an online tutorial for those that are new to the site would be useful ?

That’s a good idea 👍
InstinctiveArcher wrote:

ok thank you for explaining that I appreciate your patience . please excuse my rudeness but I was finding it extremely frustrating trying to navigate this site . None of this is explained anywhere on the site that I have found. I am surprised that each member doesn't have a personal place where they can see everything at a glance . past games , opponents ,ratings etc its tough finding your way when you are new here . Maybe an online tutorial for those that are new to the site would be useful ?

This is a little old now but should mostly be useful.

The site also publishes a number of feature videos on YouTube

Anyone explain why chess bots are rude and trash talk and you can’t report them, but I get a messaged I went against community guidelines when I do the same thing when someone is rude to me. They teach you to be rude when you win and get angry when you buy what they are selling. Double standard and if you want community guidelines they should follow them also.
Yo literally chess is a good site man but if you wanna play chess on a different site just make a account on

Thank you for the link Martin that is a very thorough listing of all the features of the site but from the point of view of someone that is completely new to the site it doesn't explain how to use the site at all really does it.

It also seems to lump guest players and Premium players together without distinction throughout the features list which is a little confusing

The way to tackle this in mho is to approach it as if you are explaining to someone who has just logged into the site for the very first time and wishes to play their first game. Whether they are a complete chess novice or a good club player they will both need the same guide to using the site.

Here are a few of the incredibly frustrating issues that I have experienced with the site since I started using it.

1. I have no idea where to find previous games I have played or even games in progress, Its not clear .

2. If I inadvertently use my back browser feature or switch to another page on the site during a game I lose the current game and have no idea where to go looking for it.?

3. I didn't know that games against the bots are not saved or rated .That is not explained anywhere.

4. How on earth does a player playing a bot change from the default white pieces to playing with the black pieces . I have only seen the option twice and have no ideas where that option is located on the site.

Simple features that most players on probably know well and take for granted but are not obvious or explained anywhere.

I didn't wish to make this seem like a complaint but simply noting some of my personal experiences in the first few weeks of using What is needed I think is a simple video of the process of setting up and playing a first simple game on the site without burgeoning the newcomer with a massive list of all the complex and extensive settings and features offered on the site


Martin could i please ask if it is possible for you to replace the thread title with perhaps 'Frustrations' I used the existing title in a moment of complete exasperation and it really doesn't express my true feelings and appreciate for thank you for your patience and helpful advice

InstinctiveArcher wrote:

ok thank you for explaining that I appreciate your patience . please excuse my rudeness but I was finding it extremely frustrating trying to navigate this site . None of this is explained anywhere on the site that I have found. I am surprised that each member doesn't have a personal place where they can see everything at a glance . past games , opponents ,ratings etc its tough finding your way when you are new here . Maybe an online tutorial for those that are new to the site would be useful ?

If you click on your username twice it takes you to your profile and you can see recent games, ratings ,followers,league and many other features beside

InstinctiveArcher wrote:

Martin could i please ask if it is possible for you to replace the thread title with perhaps 'Frustrations' I used the existing title in a moment of complete exasperation and it really doesn't express my true feelings and appreciate for thank you for your patience and helpful advice

If you click the option Edit Forum Topic in the sidebar, you can edit the subject

PaulSarkady wrote:
Anyone explain why chess bots are rude and trash talk and you can’t report them, but I get a messaged I went against community guidelines when I do the same thing when someone is rude to me. They teach you to be rude when you win and get angry when you buy what they are selling. Double standard and if you want community guidelines they should follow them also.

The type of banter used by some of the bots isn't the type that will get you warnings from the auto-mod. There are levels and if you go too far you'll have issues.



There is a lot of content on site and I'm not aware of everything. There may actually be a more basic tutorial, but things like that don't generally age well as there are updates all the time.

Many things also have help articles written.

On 3, in previous versions of the bots, they were available in Live and the all saved to your archive. When that changed, there was a period of transition where all saved, none saved, only those that were manually done saved. It's always possible that could change in the future.

For 4, when you first choose a bot, the next screen gives you the option to choose color and the level.

Martin_Stahl wrote:


There is a lot of content on site and I'm not aware of everything. There may actually be a more basic tutorial, but things like that don't generally age well as there are updates all the time.

Many things also have help articles written.

On 3, in previous versions of the bots, they were available in Live and the all saved to your archive. When that changed, there was a period of transition where all saved, none saved, only those that were manually done saved. It's always possible that could change in the future.

For 4, when you first choose a bot, the next screen give you the option to choose color and the level.

thanks ... I must have been unlucky as I did not see that option but it was probably because I chose the same bot for a rematch 3x times .Next game I'll choose another bot .


Rematches should alternate colors so it would be expected not to show the color option except for the first time


received a very helpful PM from Bert (support) today in response to this thread but when I sent a reply it disappeared ! grrrr .I sent my reply and looked like it had been posted but the only way I could leave the page was to select delete ? which of course lost the post completely. So Bert thank you for your post. here is a copy of my response which luckily I had the forethought to copy.

Hi Bert. that's very kind of you to message me Thank you.

I was having difficulty in finding an option to play with the black pieces when challenging the bots to a game. I think I have found how to do it now by accident. When selecting the bot you wish to challenge there is an option next to the bot's image to select to play black pieces but the challenge has to follow a certain sequence in order to see the option .

There are quite a few issues with navigating the site and to someone that has never used the site before , it looks rather like the site has been put together to promote lots of advanced features without sufficient thought given to new users using the site for the first time. One odd feature is if a player switches to another page during a game, the game in progress disappears when trying to find it again ?..Thank you for the helpful links Bert your help is much appreciated