
The Origins and History of Chess


We don't know where chess came from, so therefore it must have been given to humans by aliens.


I'm really not that interested in events that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago. I am interested in events that have happened almost under our very nose.

1. The real story of Alekhines collaboration with the Nazis and how did he die?

2. Did Schlechter really have to win by two points?

3. Was Alekhine really dodging Capablanca for a return match?

4. Why did Morphy feel it was so important to play Staunton? Chess historians would certainly rank Anderssen above Staunton and Morphy defeated Anderssen decisevly.

5. Whats the true story of the grandmaster titles of 1914?

6. Did spectators really throw gold coins on the board after Marshalls famous win?

There are hundreds of such unanswered questions!


N2UHC  well u are with full proof lol LaughingLaughing


@raul72  i dont know the answer for your Qs if i came around i let you know :)

N2UHC wrote:

We don't know where chess came from, so therefore it must have been given to humans by aliens.



Chess was ivented to while away time while the Aliens were building the pyramids.


i really don't know what to say cause i only leaned how to play chess last year march. thus i got alot to learn...))))))


First of was not ''sultan of India''.. there was no Sultan when chess came into existence some 3000 years back.. it was called as ''chaturanga''