
The Rating System on


I know this website uses Glicko rating system, but what are the two differences between Glicko and Elo? Is there a converter to find your Elo from Glicko and vice versa?



mitharris wrote:

I know this website uses Glicko rating system, but what are the two differences between Glicko and Elo? Is there a converter to find your Elo from Glicko and vice versa?



Elo and Glicko are rating systems. They estimate relative strength of players in a pool separate from the other pool of players.

Misguided people often try to convert between FIDE ratings and USCF ratings or even worse FIDE OTB ratings and online or live ratings.


I think the most accurate way you could estimate your rating from a rating (lets say turn based), is to find a pool of players that are similar to your turn based rating and have a stated rating in the other rating group that your trying to figure out. Even this is only an estimate because you could have a pool of players with a certain turn based rating here and their stated USCF ratings, but not all people take their online games as seriously as their over the board games, and some play more often in one than another. Even with just online ratings one can play more on one site than another, the average strength from each site could be different too. There isn't a good way to convert ratings from one site to another, or from online to FIDE, USCF, ect in an accurate manner. General estimates are the best you'd probably get from the above outline.