
Titled Player being a "Sore Loser"


I just played a game of crazyhouse in live against a titled player, and I played a great game that I eventually won.  I got another game with him a couple minutes later, and he typed in the chat, "blocked you," and then disabled the chat.  He then sat there for an entire minute, not playing, to let the game auto-abort.  I find it sad that a titled player, who we who are not as skilled at chess look up to, would act in such a manner.  I won't say his name here, but if he is reading this, he should feel ashamed at the example he is setting.



Unfortunately, merits in one regard don't often translate to other areas. We tend to assume they do, though, which makes discoveries like this more jarring than if it were just anybody.


It's unfortunate, but being good at chess doesn't make you a good person.  I play OTB tournaments and I've met a few titled players who are jerks, and some aren't too bright either


yes I agree that he is being a sore looser.  after all, he is a player that we look up to, and he is setting an example for us kids.if he acts this way, then I can say that "hey, I blocked u!"


It's even more baffling because it wasn't even a standard game; it was crazyhouse, which is meant to be fun and not taken so seriously.  At the end of the day I guess it doesn't really matter too much. There will always be people who take the game too seriously, and I guess we shouldn't take those people too seriously.


That may be true, but being in a bad mood isn't a valid reason to act that way.  If you want to get mad at home behind the computer screen that's fine, but don't take it out on the other player.  I get upset all the time when I lose, but I never say anything mean to the other player, block them, or waste their time waiting for the game to auto-abort.  If I play badly and lose, it's my fault, and I shouldn't be rude to my opponent for taking advantage of my mistakes.


Being good at chess doesnt mean you are smart or free from being a retard. It just means you know how to play a game.


i feel like we're only getting one side of the story here.


That can be a one time scenario. He may have been in a bad mood but he should not have showed his anger on you. Don't try to make him feel ashamed. If he continues this, he will probably get banned so no worries for you.And any player could do this kind of thing. Not only a titled player


That's FLChessPlayer.


titled player? what do you mean by that ? a gm or im ? or ogm? ogm is online grandmaster....if you are playing for fun or playing online dont get excited....chess is not a snake and ladder game....wake up...go and play real tournament then you will world championship under 10 category....go and try to play with them....

paknik1 wrote:

titled player? what do you mean by that ? a gm or im ? or ogm? ogm is online grandmaster....if you are playing for fun or playing online dont get excited....chess is not a snake and ladder game....wake up...go and play real tournament then you will world championship under 10 category....go and try to play with them....



A FM once crushed me in 15 games and when i won 3 games he called me an engine


 I mean I guess the fact that he's a titled player doesn't really matter; it would be wrong for anyone to behave that way.  I was just surprised to see that from him.

paknik1 wrote:

titled player? what do you mean by that ? a gm or im ? or ogm? ogm is online grandmaster....if you are playing for fun or playing online dont get excited....chess is not a snake and ladder game....wake up...go and play real tournament then you will world championship under 10 category....go and try to play with them....

Wow, really? You think it's okay for a National Master to get all pissy and block someone just because he lost a game to someone who doesn't have a title? Give me a break.

Titled players should be encouraging to others and not do things that might drive people away from the game. That NM had no idea who he's playing against. It might be a 13 year old who looks up to people that have earned titles. There is not much written about etiquette in chess, but being a sore loser and then blocking someone you just lost to is poor sportsmanship and does not represent the type of attitude a person should have especially for a National Master.

The only recourse the NM has is if he is certain that he was cheated. If that's the case, then ya, I'd block the guy also. I would also report the game to and have his account suspended.
