
Unbeatable chess computer


I can never beat my chess computer here's a regular game

 1. Ng1-f3, c7-c5  2. Nb1-c3, d7-d5  3. d2-d3, Ng8-f6  4. e2-e4, d5xe4  5. d3xe4, Qd8xd1+  6. Ke1xd1, Nb8-c6  7. e4-e5, Nf6-g4  8. h2-h3, Ng4xf2+  9. Kd1-e2, Nf2xh1  10. Bc1-f4, Bc8-d7  11. Ra1-d1, Bd7-f5  12. g2-g3, h7-h6  13. Bf1-g2, g7-g5  14. Bf4-e3, Nh1xg3+  15. Ke2-f2, Ng3-h5  16. Be3xc5, Nh5-f4  17. Bg2-f1, Nf4xh3+  18. Kf2-g3, Nh3-f4  19. Bc5-e3, Nf4-h5+  20. Kg3-f2, Bf8-g7  21. Kf2-e1, Nc6xe5  22. Nf3xe5, Bg7xe5  23. Rd1-d5, Be5xc3+  24. b2xc3, Bf5-d7  25. a2-a3, b7-b6  26. c3-c4, Nh5-f6  27. Rd5-e5, Nf6-g4  28. Bf1-h3, Ng4xe5  29. Bh3xd7+, Ke8xd7  30. c4-c5, Ne5-c4  31. Be3-d4, e7-e5  32. c2-c3, e5xd4  33. c3xd4, Rh8-e8+  34. Ke1-d1, g5-g4  35. c5xb6, g4-g3  36. b6-b7, g3-g2  37. b7-b8Q, g2-g1Q+  38. Kd1-c2, Qg1-g6+  39. Kc2-c3, Re8-e3+  40. Kc3xc4, Qg6-c6+ 41. Kc4-b4, a7-a5±

I dont know how to put this on a chess board. If anybody can put on a chess board, that would be great. I know that i made idiotical misstakes but.. 

if anybody thinks that they can beat the chess computer, challenge me to an unrated match. Ill do whatever the computer tells me to, and we'll see who wins


which chess program are you talking about?


 Here is your game as well as the proper format for inserting game moves.

1. Nf3 c5  2. Nc3 d5  3. d3 Nf6  4. e4 dxe4  5. dxe4 Qxd1+  6. Kd1 Nc6  7. e5 Ng4  8. h3 Nxf2+  9. Ke2 Nxh1  10. Bf4 Bd7  11. Rd1 Bf5  12. g3 h6  13. Bg2 g5  14. Be3 Nxg3+  15. Kf2 Nh5  16. Bxc5 Nf4  17. Bf1 Nxh3+  18. Kg3 Nf4  19. Be3 Nh5+  20. Kf2 Bg7  21. Ke1 Nxe5  22. Nxe5 Bxe5  23. Rd5 Bxc3+  24. bxc3 Bd7  25. a3 b6  26. c4 Nf6  27. Re5 Ng4  28. Bh3 Nxe5  29. Bxd7+ Kxd7  30. c5 Nc4  31. Bd4 e5  32. c3 exd4  33. cxd4 Re8+  34. Kd1 g4  35. cxb6 g3  36. b7 g2  37. b8=Q g1=Q+  38. Kc2 Qg6+  39. Kc3 Re3+  40. Kxc4 Qc6+ 41. Kb4 a5


I have a hard enough time with the computer on this site...


play computers is cold


rybka 3?


No it's an old game called chess champ 2.0 made by lokasoft


Thank you Kenmack


Hey we can battle computers to see which ones stronger mine can not be beaten either


Thanks paul 211, I'll take up your offer, and I have just challenged you to a takeback game


goldknives7, I cannot play computer agains computer right now, as I am playing somebody else already(My Computer vs. him) I can send you a message when I'm done that game, if you would still be interested at that time.Laughing