
unusual chess records


How to delete this post?

ponz111 wrote:

How to delete this post?

Go back in time and kill your mom.

ponnupazoozu wrote: before he was born, u mean - need to be more specific here ...

No, that would create a paradox and destroy the universe; I just don't like his mom.


What is a "turned based" rating?


Here is an unusual non chess record I hold.  Played 144 bowling games where I scored 300--perfect game--12 strikes in a row. This while having problems with my left shoulder--and now left shoulder replacement. !? :)

Of course there is a little catch to the above....



Twice I bowled 2 perfect games in a row and my longest steak of strikes in a row is 30... :) 


I've been bowling for about 20 years. Go to the alley about ten times a year for a game. I've never bowled a hundred I think the best I've ever bowled is a 64 and once SOBER I bowled a 24. <--Worst bowler ever.

Vincent_Valentine wrote:

Since this turned to bowling, why is it a professional game? It's like the easiest thing ever: make the ball roll into the pins hitting the front one head-on, you get a strike every time. But noooooo the pros have to make a fancy spin that gives them a chance of failure when they could just do it the straitforward way and win every time... it's such a bizarre game.

 Hi Vincent,

So, what is your bowling average?


Ok, I will just give one of my "possible records" in chess. I believe I am the only person in history of the USA to win all his games in the finals of the United States Correspondence Chess Championship... 


dued if you hit the head pin straight on you get a 7-10 split if you put that fancy curve on like i do you can hit inbetween pins 1 and 2 or 1 and 3 and score a strike with more consistancy, plus bowling straight is harder than from an angle because if your right handed then you pull left so if i throw right with a slight left top spin then it will curve where i want it to if my trow is acurate to where the ball hits the floor boards



jetfighter13 wrote:

dued if you hit the head pin straight on you get a 7-10 split if you put that fancy curve on like i do you can hit inbetween pins 1 and 2 or 1 and 3 and score a strike with more consistancy, plus bowling straight is harder than from an angle because if your right handed then you pull left so if i throw right with a slight left top spin then it will curve where i want it to if my trow is acurate to where the ball hits the floor boards



 We all may have our own way to bowl. My way resulted in 144 perfect 300 games in the past 12 months.

Regarding a 7 10 split--I threw one a few months ago and told my son if he could pick it up I would give him $5.00--he picked it up