
What are the correct definitions for Tactic and Statergies?


I spent a lot of time with browsing internet and finding more accurate definition for tactic and strategies but I saw there are some douts in wiki answers.


wiki says,

tactics:-Combinations, traps, and threats. Play characterized by short-term attacks, requiring calculation by the players, as distinguished from positional play.[319]

strategy  : -The basis of a player's moves. The evaluation of positions and ways to achieve goals. Strategy is often contrasted with tactics, which are the calculations of more immediate plans and combinations


My definitions for those terms are - tactict is a winning combination of moves often overseen by one of the platers and strategy is a way you are approaching position on a board, it can be right or wrong which means player with better (more accurate) strategy is probably like to win that game


I like to define it like this:

Tactic - short term non-forcing - example is a fork
Strategy - long term non-forcing - example is advancing a pawn majority
Positional - short term non-forcing - example is putting a rook on an open file



     Tactics--from the Greek taktika--means arranging one's forces in ranks for battle. So every move is a tactic, changing the arrangement. Strategy is the long-term result you hope to achieve with your tactics and is s guide to selecting which tactic to use in any position.


“Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.” - Savielly Tartakower (I think)