
Who is narrator of Lessons here on


I have been enjoying the lessons here on since starting my diamond membership.  In particular, the narrator of the lessons sounds professional and interesting.  In some of the lessons he mentioned beating a player rated 600 points higher (he was 1791, his opponent over 2400).  I am wondering who it is!    Thanks.


The way I understand it is that different "lessons" sections have different authors. I believe IM Silman is quoted a fair amount and a few other well-known GM players, but overall I think the lessons are more of an author montage really.


OK I should have cited one of the lessons....Blockading Pawns in the Advanced Chess Concepts... is one of many that he has narrated.


I believe it is NM Dane Mattson (Fischwitsch). He did many if not all of the lesson narrations. I agree, he did an excellent job. The lessons section really become something worth getting a premium membership for once they revamped it. 


It indeed is Dane Mattson :


Cool; impressive you were able to come across this information happy.png Also, Dane Mattson is a National Master. grin.png


Content is great but the delivery is very botlike.  Honestly thought it was a bot.


I assumed it was a bot too.


A bot yo! - Rolling Thunder!

He does a very good job, but...I dislike the word "a" constantly being pronounced "AY," as if everything needed emphasis. That's what makes it sound like a bot, in my opinion. Be ready with the pause button and the lessons are super helpful. I like repeating them as I learn more. It helps going back when you have a better concept of the game in general, though I'm still very much a beginner in comparison with real chess players.


I like those lessons a lot and his narrative as well... it reminds me of narratives in the game Hidden & Dangerous which I also liked a lot. grin