
Who wants to help train my machine learning model for FEN detection?


I created a small iOS Swift library that analyzes a picture of a chessboard and renders the FEN notation of the pieces. I'm currently training my Machine learning model with a lot of different pictures of 2d top-down chessboard photos. If you are interested in helping me feel free to reach out to me. I'm looking for sharp photos taken from books or newspaper chessboard puzzles to train my model even more.

Below you see how its currently working. I feed my framework with a picture of a chessboard in a book and then it analyzes the picture, finds all the squares, and passed it to the machine learning model which then analyzes each square to predict which chess piece is on the square.

Analyzed position from the above image.


that is so cool. i wish i could help, but i might have the problem of having 0 understanding of what u are doing exatcly.


@quietheathen1st Do you have some chessbooks at home that have printed boards in it?


yes, i do.


@quietheathen1st are you by any chance also an iOS user? I'm preparing a alpha build of a test app that I can invite you too which you than can use to take a lof of pictures of chessboards in books and the app will then submit those pictures and train the machine learning model


Hey, @Huberand I can help you, I am currently working as a software developer, but haven't worked in Computer Vision ever, are you looking for some experienced fellows ?

Huberand wrote:

@quietheathen1st are you by any chance also an iOS user? I'm preparing a alpha build of a test app that I can invite you too which you than can use to take a lof of pictures of chessboards in books and the app will then submit those pictures and train the machine learning model

No, Android.


That is a really useful tool to develop.  I use chessify on android.  It is ok but I expected it to capture more accurately.

@deepdoshi22 I’m planing to release an alpha build of an app with the framework to help train the model. In case you are an iOS user and you have some chess books at Home it would be nice if you would snap some photos with the app. So currently only looking for help gathering images.

@markkoso I tried the app as well I think it works quite well. I actually don't want to release an app. I only want to write a framework that other apps can include later on. Like e.g. Chess Studio which is quite known by many chess players


Great work @Huberand, Keep it up!


I have now an alpha version ready that everyone who is interested can install under this link

If you are using it please use your username in the beginning as the username so that I can contact you in case I have questions regarding your scans.

Just as a disclaimer. the current scanned results might be bad but the goal of this first alpha version is to gather a lot of different images to be able to train the model better.

Thanks to everyone who is helping out.



Hasn't this already happened? I'm certain there is a site that does this for ebooks


@antisunechess I'm working on a framework for iOS apps. So this will not be a standalone app or standalone service. I'm in contact with smaller chess apps that want such a feature. like the "Chess studio" app.

But if you have a link to such a service I'd love to have a look


Yeah I think there was a user that had basically completed this and sold it, let me search for it


how can i be of help


@teju17 are you an iOS user and are you having some chessbooks at home?


I couldn't find it sadly, but I'll try it again in a bit



Huberand wrote:

@teju17 are you an iOS user and are you having some chessbooks at home?

im really sorry, no