
Why am I so bad? Should I just give up on this game?


I feel like I can't do anything right. In chess is no different. I went from 2100 to 1800 in tactics in the past few days, and i thought maybe im not trying hard enough, but lately I just cant see tactical motifs that I used to be able to spot pretty quickly. I just cant see anything. It's like I've never practiced on this game. My game preformaces are also the same way. I just play like complete garbage and lose after completely stupid blunders. It's like I'm completely blind or something and I can't do anything right on this game. I've had  the flu a few days ago but I have recovered from it pretty much completely, and this downwards trend has started long before this.

Has this happened to anybody where you feel contempt about your chess for a while, yeah it can be better but im working on it, and than this happens, you play like complete trash or is this just me? I feel like i am not good in anything in my life, and it feels like chess just falls into this narrative. Should I just give up on this thing and go look for something else? I am not looking for sympathetic comments like "oh yea just believe in yourself and keep trying u got this bro", I am just trying to understand what's wrong with my chess.

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Happens to everyone. This is my third account due to my frustrations. Quit playing rated puzzles and games for a while maybe.... If your in it for the marathon progress then you need to scroll out and look at the bigger picture when you hit a rough patch.

So in other words, you’re a perfectly normal player. You just said you’re getting over the flu. That sort of thing makes a difference… If you figure out the secret to being 100% on every day let me know. Because I just dropped 500 points in tactics; and I don’t even have the flu😆
Tactics rated are very frustrating, it’s a bumpy ride mostly . Some times you get some easy ones , but then you need to be careful, cos they will suddenly become really difficult ! 🙀……it’s enough to drive you crazy !

Happens to me

Don’t worry about it

embrace your rating


Before your next tactics session, drink a glass of your favorite wine. Pour a second and have it beside you so you can take a sip while you contemplate the complexities before you.

itay72 wrote:

I feel like I can't do anything right. In chess is no different. I went from 2100 to 1800 in tactics in the past few days, and i thought maybe im not trying hard enough, but lately I just cant see tactical motifs that I used to be able to spot pretty quickly. I just cant see anything. It's like I've never practiced on this game. My game preformaces are also the same way. I just play like complete garbage and lose after completely stupid blunders. It's like I'm completely blind or something and I can't do anything right on this game. I've had  the flu a few days ago but I have recovered from it pretty much completely, and this downwards trend has started long before this.


Has this happened to anybody where you feel contempt about your chess for a while, yeah it can be better but im working on it, and than this happens, you play like complete trash or is this just me? I feel like i am not good in anything in my life, and it feels like chess just falls into this narrative. Should I just give up on this thing and go look for something else? I am not looking for sympathetic comments like "oh yea just believe in yourself and keep trying u got this bro", I am just trying to understand what's wrong with my chess.

when i had my other account, my puzzle rating was always between 2400-2080 for around 4 months before i skyrocketed to 2700, then tilted down to 2300.. you get the idea

and recently on puzzle rush survival i can't seem to get anything about 35 (i've been in this slump for around a week), and generally on a good day i'll get 40 right in a row

also you can see in my blitz graph right now that i feel very stupid playing chess, the only place my rating is going is down back to 1300


stuff like this happens to everyone don't worry about it

itay72 wrote:

I feel like I can't do anything right. In chess is no different. I went from 2100 to 1800 in tactics in the past few days, and i thought maybe im not trying hard enough, but lately I just cant see tactical motifs that I used to be able to spot pretty quickly. I just cant see anything. It's like I've never practiced on this game. My game preformaces are also the same way. I just play like complete garbage and lose after completely stupid blunders. It's like I'm completely blind or something and I can't do anything right on this game. I've had  the flu a few days ago but I have recovered from it pretty much completely, and this downwards trend has started long before this.


Has this happened to anybody where you feel contempt about your chess for a while, yeah it can be better but im working on it, and than this happens, you play like complete trash or is this just me? I feel like i am not good in anything in my life, and it feels like chess just falls into this narrative. Should I just give up on this thing and go look for something else? I am not looking for sympathetic comments like "oh yea just believe in yourself and keep trying u got this bro", I am just trying to understand what's wrong with my chess.

I hope this makes you feel better.  After 100 games. Me vs Stockfish 15 after 100 games. 0 wins 100 loses. GM Carlsen playing Stockfish 15 after 100 games. 0 wins and 100 loses. 

All humans suck at chess!

NHL_17 wrote:
DesperateKingWalk wrote:


All humans suck at chess!


And full quoters suck too :-p (also looking at zen516)

Ok,'s wysiwyg editor does not make it easy to edit quotes. Selecting things and pressing delete should work as expected. Or an edit raw html mode (i think they once had it).

am lazy


Im also bad. Always make moves i tell myself not to do 5 seconds earlier

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Super bad

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itay72 wrote:

I feel like I can't do anything right. In chess is no different. I went from 2100 to 1800 in tactics in the past few days, and i thought maybe im not trying hard enough, but lately I just cant see tactical motifs that I used to be able to spot pretty quickly. I just cant see anything. It's like I've never practiced on this game. My game preformaces are also the same way. I just play like complete garbage and lose after completely stupid blunders. It's like I'm completely blind or something and I can't do anything right on this game. I've had the flu a few days ago but I have recovered from it pretty much completely, and this downwards trend has started long before this.

Has this happened to anybody where you feel contempt about your chess for a while, yeah it can be better but im working on it, and than this happens, you play like complete trash or is this just me? I feel like i am not good in anything in my life, and it feels like chess just falls into this narrative. Should I just give up on this thing and go look for something else? I am not looking for sympathetic comments like "oh yea just believe in yourself and keep trying u got this bro", I am just trying to understand what's wrong with my chess.

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So true, there was a point in my life when I felt absolutely useless at Chess. I was playing blunders and missing my opponent’s. I felt like quitting but with encouragement from others, I pulled through and continued to where I am today… (I’m still not great but some people can’t reach the level I am now!!! [no offence to anyone out there!])… and I’m super happy with myself now!!!

This is NOT supposed to be sympathetic if you don’t want to view it this way! I’m just sharing my story and hopefully helping others pull through while proving my point that this happens to tons of chess players!


I'm so freaking frustrated of this game, I really want to quit but don't want to regret closing the account later.Every single game I completely dominate my opponent and much better in strategy and very close to check mate , any advise please because I'm sick and tired and it's starting to get on my mental health?


It's a lifelong process. The option to take a break is often a good one. It releases the tension that we feel that holds us back from playing intuitively. I'm not anywhere near your level and I've walked away from it several times. Obsessiveness over a game that you play enjoyment is a surefire way to ruin the game. Hang in there and don't be afraid to take the game less seriously. Bear in mind that it's a continuum not a one time gig. wink.png

DonFarghaly wrote:

I'm so freaking frustrated of this game, I really want to quit but don't want to regret closing the account later.Every single game I completely dominate my opponent and much better in strategy and very close to check mate , any advise please because I'm sick and tired and it's starting to get on my mental health?

First thing first, we don't want the game to have a negative impact on your mental wellbeing. If it is becoming too much, taking a break as suggested by @Luc-Storm is the best option.

It happens to all of us, I sometimes mess up so bad in a game that I feel the frustration. Yesterday I had a winning position, Q+K vs K and I managed to stalemate the opponent.


Remember that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process.